Chapter 2:training

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Y/n pov

When the godzillas transfered their power to me, there was a bright light, I covered and closed my eyes to protect them. When I regained my vision, I saw that we were in a jungle of some sort.

Y/n- huh, we suddenly went from Union city to

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Y/n- huh, we suddenly went from Union city to.... A forest?

Godzilla earth- not just any forest.

Y/n- HOLY- what the hell! You scared the crap out of me!

Godzilla earth- do not be alarmed, I am just a voice in your head that will guide you until you are completely ready, and the fact you are alive and hearing my voice is a good thing.

Y/n- huh? Why?

Godzilla earth- If a host were too weak to take our power, then the power they would receive would overload and kill them.

Y/n- what the- really?! Then how am I not dead, and if I managed to survive, wouldn't that mean that you could have chosen anyone else and they would be fine as well.

Godzilla earth- no it is not that simple, when I said weak and strong, I didn't just mean whether or not you have powers. Things like mentality, spirit strength and other things also come into play. For example, your tormentors even though they have powers, their mentality is weak, spoiled by the mindset that their the strongest and that they don't need to face hardships. People with mindset like that will never be able to take in our power. However, you are different. Everyday you are willing to put in effort, to face hardships to obtain goals, even when faced with certain doom, you still stand strong and defy your fate. That is how you were able to receive our power.

Y/n- i see, hearing that does make me feel a bit better about myself.

Godzilla earth- good, now for your earlier question. We're not just in any forest, we're in a forest in another dimension, my dimension.

Y/n- your dimension! Really? How is that possible?

Snow godzilla- I believe I can answer that.

Y/n- that voice..... Snow godzilla?

Snow godzilla- yup, anyways, do you remember me saying how you were unique even amongst other dimensions? I said that because I have the ability to travel to other worlds and dimensions. So for your training, I sent you to godzilla earth's World, its perfect since this world is strong enough to withstand his power without being destroyed.

Y/n- wow. That sounds like an amazing and... Honestly fun ability, I wonder what other worlds like?

Godzilla earth- indeed, we shall get to that in a later part, but for now we must train you to use our powers, see the changes in your body.

Y/n looked down at himself and saw his changes, his arms and legs now had a bit of scales on them, he also had a tail. Although he was thankful that he didn't have the dorsal plates on his back because that would be a nightmare when trying to sleep and put on a shirt.

the god of the monsters of Union (op Abused Male Reader x Union Academy) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя