Prologue Pt 2

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No one pov

After 5 days from that hospital visit,  y/n was able to get out of bed and walk around freely again. And he felt great, he had so much energy within him. He could easily do his regular training routine so he doubled it to give him more of a challenge. Of course there is still always the occasional if not every day when the torturers would try and beat him up. but thanks to his new body, he was able to handle it better. Such as the time with issei and the ORC

Y/n pov

Issei- hey you pathetic loser!

Y/n- *sigh* do you really have nothing better to do in your pathetic life then this.

Issei- heh! We'll see if you can still talk big after I kick your ass.

Issei who obviously hasn't learnt from his past mistake tried to punch him with the same amateuristic punch again. And thanks to him being stronger, issei looked even slower to him. So he just sidestepped issei, grabbed his head, and slammed it down to the ground with all his strength. Making the floor crack and instantly knocking out issei without even giving him a chance to go balance breaker.

Rias- issei! How dare you attack my pawn! Everyone attack!

ORC- hai buchou!

Kiba then charged at me with his knight speed trying to strike me down. The problem is that while he does use that to cover the distance between them instantly. He has a bad habit of not using that speed when he is about to strike. So in that small time frame when Kiba is not using his speed. Y/n grabbed his wrist and gave him a powerful uppercut. And then used the momentum of the punch to punch him down to the ground again. He also stomped on his head a few times for good measures. Knocking him out. He then saw at the corner of his eye that koneko was trying to punch him. But he easily dodged it due to the rook's weakness of being slow.

Y/n- that's weird? Why did you wait after blonde bitch boy here was knocked out before attacking. Why didn't you team up with him. Did all your braincells disappear into the air since I definitely know they didn't go to your breasts, or were you just that slow.

Koneko- shut up.

Koneko now enraged (even though its had to tell from her expression) tried to punch y/n. But like most people who fight with rage. She has not leanrt how to fight coordinated while in a enraged state,so she just kept swinging wildly, making it easier for y/n to dodge it. He wasn't doing anything since he knows that a rook has increased durability, so it wasn't going to be easy knocking her out. He then saw akeno in the air trying to strike him with lightning.

Akeno- fufufu~, y/n how about you stay still and accept your punishment.

Y/n then had a plan,once akeno unleashed her lightning, he used the same trick he used on yang and sidestepped her punch, used her momentum and turned her around so that she would take the blow instead. Koneko was screaming in pain from being electrocuted. And while akeno was distracted from her mistake, y/n threw koneko with all his strength towards akeno sending them both crashing down to earth. To make it worse,y/n grabbed both of their heads before they touched the ground and slammed it down with all his strength before finally stomping on both of their heads. Knocking them out, with that all of rias's peerage members were knocked out(at this time, rias hasn't gotten xenovia, irina and rossweiss in her peerage yet.)

Y/n- I'm impressed red haired bitch. Impressed at how shit your peerage's teamwork was. It was so bad, its either they acted by themselves, not working together, or it's that they throw attacks that hurt each other instead.

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