I'm Back And New Power Scaling

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Hello, hello everybody! It's been so long since I have updated and I am extremely sorry about that, I didn't update for three reasons, one, I had major exams back to back for the past four months so I couldn't find an appropriate time to update. Two, I was a bit stuck in my story as I was trying to find a way to introduce the main villian of the story, and the third was because I got lazy. But anyways 8 am finally back!

Also before I upload another chapter I want to first do some power reconsideration, this is because in the time period that I wasn't updating this story. I got hold on some interesting information that is important to my story, specifically how strong some of the characters in my story really are. For example, a few days ago, a new friend I made on the Internet showed me on discord that everyone in the hyperdimension neptunia universe is actually outerversal level. This is because the world of gamindustri has transcended the concept of numerical dimensions, so everyone in gamindustri just evolved along with gamindustri and now everyone in gamindustri can beat 90% of anime fiction. Even the humans.

Another things is that I realised that some of the godzillas that are in y/n are far stronger than I thought. So I'm going to be putting the down the new powers sling for the relevant characters.

Y/n: power-mid outerversal(at base), omnipotent(at strongest)
Y/n had transcended physical and spiritual existence, which means that trying to destroy his body and soul completely is useless.

Speed- irrelevant due to y/n having haxs such as reality, time and space manipulation.

Durability- able to take multiversal balats with no issue, can fall from an infinite height with no issue, survive the full power attacks of multiple gods that can shape a multiverse, survive the destruction of an omniverse.

Abilities: every single ability that each godzilla but at the next level.

Lily: power- high multiversal(at base) low outerversal(at strongest) high outerversal(full power magic)

Speed- just like y/n her speed is irrelevant but is confirmed that she is faster than y/n most of the time.

Durability- although mothra is not the durable type, she is very persistent, at her best she can survived a blast capable of destroying a multiverse with a few injuries, however attacks from other outerversal beings can prove dangerous for lily but she will keep on going until her current objective is fulfilled.

Abilities- her might in magic is unmatched, even y/n thinks twice before messing with lily and her magic, she know almost all types of magic like offensive, defensive, reality warping, healing, time manipulation, space manipulation, mind manipulation, manipulation of every single element and energy in the omniverse etc. She can also create new spells and magics that help solve whatever problem she is facing at the current moment. Even if somehow she encounters a magic she does not know of, she can immediately learn and master the magic after a single glance.

All Hyperdimension characters:
Power-Low outerversal(human forms) mid outerversal(cpu forms) high outerversal(for cpus with next forms)

Speed- MFTL+++++++++

Durability- there is not much durability shown for neptunia other than them able to survive attacks from other cpus so for durability let's just say they can take hits from other outerversal beings and survive.

Abilities- their power is based on the amount of faith that people have in them, also known as shares, when they have enough shares, they can evolve into new forms or create miracles. They are also capable of slicing and harming concepts and also killing immortal beings like the diety of sin. The diety of sin could not die as long as one person still fears of believes in her. But the cpus using their shares, desires and the power to create miracles were able to kill the diety of sin.

So that's basically all the new power scaling that is needed to be done before we can continue this story proper. Trust me when I say I was so surprised when I learnt about all this.

But anyways that's all for now, I am glad to be back writing again, and I'll see you all again the next chapter. Bye bye!

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