Chapter 18: Dagon's Back story.

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Y/n pov

After the shocking reveal of this guy being my father, I brought him and I out of my self-made world and took him to my house to ask more questions. Right now, it's just me and him sitting across one another while the others waited upstairs.

Y/n-....... Explain.

Dagon- explain what son?

Y/n- everything, why did you fake your death? Why were never there for me when I needed you most? and.... Is my mom still alive?

Dagon-........ You're right, you deserve to know everything. Its about time I told you who I really am.

Dagon- first off, as you already know, I'm not exactly human, in fact I'm a species that ancient humans of the past called godzillasaurus. In my time i was one of the most powerful kaiju in the world, so much so that some started worshipping me as a god, some feared me and some even hated me. However, Despite all of this power and worship, I was never truly happy. I was alone, never really knowing the concept of family and love.

Dagon- but that all changed when I met your mother, a human. Around the time i met your mother, I learnt how to transform myself into a human form to try and fit in. It was a bit weird but I eventually got used to it. I saw your mother getting assaulted by three men, so I decided to step in and save her. That was how we fist met, and from that point forward we started to talk and see each other a lot more often.

Dagon- after a year of being together with your mother, I realised that I felt a certain way towards your mother which I later leaned was love. Whenever I was with your mother, I would instantly get into a good mood no matter how bad my day was before. And I would always try and be with her as much as possible. But there was another feeling in my heart when I'm with her. Fear. Fears like, what if she found out that I was a kaiju and would start hating me, not accept my feelings towards her. So for the longest time, I would always keep mum about my feelings towards your mother.

Dagon- now imagine my surprise when another year later, it was your mother who confessed about her feelings to me. Needless to say I was overjoyed, but again, that fear consumed my mind. But then I thought, your mother had the courage to convey her feelings despite knowing of the risk of ruining our relationship. So if she gives me this kind of courage and love, then I must respond with the same. So I lead your mother in to a place where no one could see us and revealed my secret to her. I showed her my kaiju form to her so that there would finally be no more secrets between us. When I transformed back I expected her to run away from me.

Dagon- but your mother proved to me that she had a stronger spirit, a stronger and more compassionate spirit. Even after I showed her who I was, she still showed she loved me by kissing me. She told me that it didn't matter if I was human or monster, all that matters is that I was the kind hearted person who saved her life and stuck with her despite all her shortcomings. And just like that, our relationship blossomed, we eventually got married and had a kid, which was you. That's right, your    half-human and half-kaiju.

Y/n- *suprised* I was a half-kaiju?! Even before all the godzillas transfered their power to me. That would explain how my body could somehow get stronger after each major injury, and also how I managed to block and send back the attack from issei and rias years ago. All of this is already a lot to take in, and it's not even done yet, is it.

Dagon- right, when we had you, I had finally found my happiness, my family. But it was soon robbed from me by one being. Bagan.

Y/n- bagan? Isn't he the guy you warned me about?

Dagon- right, only a few months after your were born, bagan came to this world to kill every single human on sight. I couldn't let that happen so I went to fight him. But he was strong, too strong. It was the first time in my life when I had tasted defeat. I thought everything was over until I saw your mother running towards me. I screamed to her to get away, but she didn't listen to me and continued running towards me. And that was when the worst happened.

Dagon- bagan threw an energy spear towards her, and impaled her. Seeing that, I gained a burst of strength and pushed bagan away from me and blasted him with my atomic breath. I then immediately went to your mother, desperately trying to stop her from dying. But I was powerless to do anything. Before she died she smiled at me one last time and said that she regretted nothing. My heart was empty, all I could do was just weep into your mother's corpse. Until I saw bagan get up, my heart was filled to the brim with rage. With my rage, I fought bagan until we were both severely injured. Bagan was forced to retreat back into his dimension and I was the Victor.

Dagon- but I felt no sense of accomplishment, no nothing. How could I when I Lost the one thing that filled the void in my heart. When I tried to go back for you. I saw you in another person's arms, at first, I did think of taking you back with me. Until I thought, what if you were to face the same fate as your mother if you followed me. What if you died because of my future enemies, I already lost my wife right in front of me, I can't bear losing my son too. So I decided to leave you in the care of others for your own safety, with that, I went back into the deepest depths of the ocean, to recharge my energy for whenever I needed to fight again. And after that you know the rest, I raised up again, fought you and your friends and now we're inside your house.

After bagan's story, the ground started trembling, then the entire world, the universe, the multiverse and then finally the omniverse started shaking. The source of this shaking was y/n, struggling to keep his anger in check from what he just heard.

Y/n- *pissed off* so you're telling me, that this bastard bagan. Is the one responsible for breaking up our family and sending both of us to our own HELLS!!

After that last word, a pair of comforting arms wrapped around y/n from behind. Y/n snapped back to see his wife lily crying.

Lily- *crying* I know you're in unimaginable pain right now, and I am so sorry for what happened to you and your dad. But please, don't lose yourself to anger and hatred, you know I hate it when you're like this.

After that, y/n's other girlfriends, the goddess, all went and hugged y/n to comfort him just like lily did. Each saying that they were all sorry for him and would always be there for him. This eventually worked and y/n managed to calm down. Dagon smiled upon seeing this, his sons with people who loved and support him. Just like y/n's mother did for him.

Dagon- you have found good women in your life son, I'm glad.

Y/n- heh, yeah, without them, I'd be nothing.

Dagon- indeed, but now we have more serious matters at hand. Bagan. Since bagan was stronger than me, there would be no question that he too would have recovered and continue aiming for this world again. Tell me son, has they been any events that seemed like Bagan's work to you.

Y/n thought for awhile, then he had a flashback to when he fought and defeated  mechagodzilla city. And during his final words, he remembered trying to say a name that had a "ba" in it, but was destroyed before he could finish his sentence. At first he didn't know what he was trying to say. But now with the exposition about bagan, there could only be one answer.

Y/n- I do actually, back then, I fought an enemy called mechagodzilla city with my friends and family. Abd before he was completely destroyed. He wanted to say someone's name but  exploded before he could. But it could get out "ba". So that must means.

Dagon- *nods his head* mm. There's no doubt about it. It's bagan. Only he can have that much influence and control over other things. This is bad, this means that we have even less time to prepare for bagan than I thought.

Just then, the doorbell to y/n's door rang.

Chapter 18 end
(oh my god, guys I am so sorry for not posting for so long, I had a test that was literally 20 days after the start of the new school year for some reason and I was a bit too busy and stressed to continue writing this. Thankfully, the test is over and a holiday is coming soon so I should be able to get the next chapter out pretty soon. So with that, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, thank you all for the support and I'll see you all in the next update, bye bye!)

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