Chapter 13: Mechagodzilla City's All Out Attack

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Y/n pov

A few days after our outing with Eri, me and my family went and did our own things, I took the goddesses out for a date, I relaxed at home with lily, it was quite peaceful. But while you may expect me to feel happy about this, which I am. I'm also feeling a bit uneasy. Union has been staying quiet for quite some time now, so that would mean two things. One, Union has given up, or two, Union is planning something. But then again, I thought to myself that this is just me being paranoid. So I went out to clear my head, on my walk I happened to meet a familiar face, not in the good way though.

Y/n- yumi.

Yumi- *surprised* y-you, *summons her fan weapon* in the name of justice, I will take you down!

Y/n-......... *sigh* yumi, I want to ask you a question.

Yumi- huh?

Y/n- do you really think what you're doing now is "justice" . Hell, do you really think what you did to me all those years ago was "justice".

Yumi- shut up! You're just trying to stall for time to escape, I will not let that happen.

Y/n- your master kurokage, do you remember what he told you to be.

Yumi- you have no right to speak kurokage-sama's name!

Y/n- "the moon while not as bright as the sun, it is the last light that brightens the darkness. That is what you must aim to be, the justice of the moon."

Yumi- h- how do you

Y/n- I know many things yumi, but if I were to give you a reason, let's just say it was because I respected kurokage's philosophies. Yumi, you of all the people in Union must know by now right. That the justice in Union is corrupted.

Yumi- n-no, that's not true!

But in reality, despite saying those words, doubt still lingered in her mind. Because as much as she hates to admit it, he's right. She has noticed lastly that some of the other heroes in Union have done things that cannot possibly be considered as justice. Even amongst some good shinobi, Even as far back as two years ago. But she pushed away those doubts, believing that this was what kurokage-sama would have wanted her to do, so she pushed through, but now with y/n here to say these words to her, her doubts returned.

Y/n- well if you don't like me talking about kurokage, then how about we talk about something else, like.... What does justice mean to you.

Yumi- h-huh? What does justice... Mean to me.

A question that yumi herself has been asking herself and her friends countless times.

Yumi- to me, justice means getting rid of all evil like you! To protect the weak and innocent!

Y/n- protect the weak and innocent huh... Then would you call what you did to me two years ago "protecting the weak and innocent"

Yumi- I-I...

Yumi then remembers what fubuki said to her two years ago

Fubuki- so this is what you call justice yumi? I'm utterly disappointed. In all of you shinobi and fake heroes.

*flashback over*

If even someone like fubuki said that what she was doing wasn't justice, then how could she say that what she did was in the name of justice. With this, yumi's doubt of y/n being evil grew even more. Y/n was standing opposite her waiting for her response, when he sensed something coming.

the god of the monsters of Union (op Abused Male Reader x Union Academy) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt