Chapter 9:meeting ???

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Y/n pov

Its been a few days seen I brought atlas and jacques schnee down to the ground. And I can see it's been taking effect. Villain activity rate has dropped a little but there's still that problem about fake heroes going around endangering citizen's life. As for the ship girls I took in, I introduced them to my family and explained their situation and they got along with each other almost instantly. Although I think blanc is a bit annoyed at them all having big boobs, I also created a port beside my house so that they could keep their ships when not using them. Oh yeah, there have also been instances of Union people trying to recruit me and my family back into Union. Rias and her peerage of slaves trying to get me into their peerage which didn't work obviously. Hell I even let her use every single evil piece that was created in hell on me and it didn't work. All just to show that no matter what she did, she would never be able to get me to join her slaves. The shinobi also tried to recruit me in but I refused. I'm not gonna work with a bunch of hypocrites who do evil things while saying its all in the name of justice. It disgusts me. So right now I was walking through Union city trying to get some groceries when I felt multiple mini earthquakes happening. I looked and I saw this thing that looked like an oversized ankylosaur covered in metal. For some reason I felt like I knew the guy.

(this but he's covered in metal)

Y/n- *thoughts* "weird, why does it feel like I should know this guy

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Y/n- *thoughts* "weird, why does it feel like I should know this guy. Did one of the godzillas know him?" OI! Can't you see I'm trying to get my groceries done here?!

But the metal-covered kaiju doesn't listen to y/n, it just kept on rampaging and destroying the city.

Y/n- *sigh* then it looks like I need to teach you some manners.

Y/n then transformed into his kaiju form and roared at the kaiju while it roared back.

Kaiju y/n- *kaiju language* but first, dimensional reinforcement!

Dimensional reinforcement, this is a ability created by y/n to minimize surrounding destruction during his fights. Basically it makes anything and everything within the dimension or multiverse he is in stronger. To give a perspective on how strong it is. Let's say the universe without dimensional reinforcement is as fragile as an ant or paper, but after dimensional reinforcement, the universe becomes as tough as a diamond. (take this as a side explanation of future powers that y/n will show, kind of like the quirk explanations in bnha)

Kaiju y/n- Well at least like this there will be less collateral damage for me to fix. Now also.

Y/n then released a red mist covering the whole city so that no heroes or villains try and disturb them.

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the god of the monsters of Union (op Abused Male Reader x Union Academy) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora