A Sleepover or a sleepless night?

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"Remember to come over Janice. You said you would. You promised." Ron repeated for the billionth time and it took all of me to not slam his face in the locker.

"Yes. I would. But if you tell me about it just one more time, you can have a sleepover with your bruised face."

I swear. Ron is the worst person when it comes to talking about promises. I made a mistake of promising to be at his house later this afternoon to, I quote 'do homework and have fun'. When it comes to work, I'm pretty sure the only thing Ron does is screw it up.

2 Weeks ago Ron asked me to be his girlfriend, I agreed, and of course, when it came to the news of people at the top of the social ladder like us, it spreads faster than wild fire and within 2 hours, people everywhere knew about us.

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Calista and I may be popular but we don't exactly have friends. Why? Because friends mean complexity. It means trouble within that 6 letters. A friend may be the one who congratulates you or the one who secretly plots your failure. The person that is there for you when you cry or is the person that made you cry.

Friends is another word for disaster.

Hence, Calista and I stick together. We only have one another, when we fall, we don't have a mob to catch us, but a sole person to cushion the impact. Without Calista, I am nothing. Without me, she's nothing.

But right now, Ron strolled into the canteen and into the picture. Will he fit into this 2-person friendship or would he tear it apart?

"Hi." He slid into the seat beside me and grinned at the both of us before turning to kiss me hello. Calista groaned and turned away. "Please guys. Human eating here. Its been 2 weeks since I established the rule! No making out/kissing in front of me!"

When we broke apart, I turned to Calista and retorted,"You didn't complain when you sucked at Kendall's face in front of the field so, shut up and die lonely."

Ron started laughing at Calista, who proceeded to glare at me. "I'm just gonna glare at you until you burn. That girl in Frozen may be able to freeze things when she stare at them but I'll burn you 'til you're nothing but ashes."

I swallowed my laughter and muched on my fries before  dropped it on my plate with a loud shriek that drew the attention of close to half the canteen and caused Ron to wince. "I think my sleeve is burning guys! Calista is melting with her glare!"

Everyone started laughing and as my eyes sweep across the area, I think I saw Nicole sneer.

Shrugging. I pecked Ron on the cheek again before resuming my eating but was interrupted once again by guess who.

"Ronnie you aren't getting with this girl that slept with half the guy population in this school right?" She pouted while I rolled my eyes. "Says the person who goes all the way with the revealing clothes and all yet ends up with no one."

She ignored me but I knew that my insult went through her even though she covered up quick. You are lying to no one, bitch. I don't enjoy insulting people publicly like that but if you ask for bullshit, I can serve it to you real quick.

"-Besides, she eats so much a hippo probably weighs lighter than her an-"

"Look bitch. If I don't eat the food, who will? You may be afraid of the oil, the fats, the calories but I don't. You only live once. If you don't eat the food now, when do you plan to? When you're dead? I don't give fuck if you're insecure about your weight size or built but don't go around insulting people about theirs." I don't understand people like her. I may not like the thickness of my thighs but I don't go on forced diets. Message to all you people out there, you are beautiful. Guy or girl. And if you doubt yourself. Who are you gonna trust?

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