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Will was hollering along the corridors like a paper boy "Huge news guys! Jan and Janice Smith's mother is a slut. She is currently marr-" he didn't manage to finish his sentence cause I punched his jaw and hissed," How's it like to get some more colouring for your jaw?" And kicked him in the nuts. If he has any. He sank to the ground clutching his dick while I relentlessly kicked his side with each word," Don't. Ever. Insult. My. Family. You. Useless. Dickless. Bastard."

A crowd started to form around us and the front row started to chant,"Fightfightfight.."

Jesus. How old are they? Will may be down but he wasn't close to out yet. "Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Your mum's a slut. So are you. No wonder y-" I allowed myself to listen to his bullshit til there, before dragging him up by the front of his shirt and punching him across the face. He fell again with a loud thud. Satisfaction coursed through my veins. I briefly remembered the bruise Jan caused on his face. I may be smaller in terms of size and not work out at the gym that much (I lie. I don't even work out at all). Piss me off and I'd go hulk on your ass. Prime example, Will.

I heard heels clicking. Unlike the thin annoying sound Nicole's shoes always makes, this one sound like justice with every step.  It's definitely Mrs. Dwary, the DM. But fuck it. Who cares? I got a more pressing thing to do at hand.

Beat up this motherfucker who insulted my mother who I currently only know as my egg donor. I may not like that woman anymore but hell, if this is lousy ass way to get back at Jan for punching him in the jaw, I'd fight for him. Besides. I really don't like being compared to and/or called an apple because bitch those fruits are useless. Call me an orange any day. Acidic and sour but cheerful.

Anything but an apple.

"Ms. Smith, Mr. Lewis. To my office. Now." She said in her crisp voice. I gave Will a few more kicks at the side and stomped on his toes for good measure. I turned to make my way to the office when I heard Ron.

"Hey Will. Vision clear?" Ron held Will by the collar lifted his head to give a faint nod. "Good." Ron smashed his fist into Will's face, making him collapse like a sack of shit he was. "That was insulting my girlfriend's family." And punched him in the gut. "This is because I just don't like your face."

Ouch. Oops.

Mrs. Dwary muttered a "not another one" before saying," Mr. Sterling, help Mr. Lewis to my office. And stay there."

Ron lifted Will easily and 'accidentally' dropped him on the floor, making Will groan again.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Dwary. Will here hasn't been working out for about 4 months so he's a bit heavy. I'll try my best to carry him." He said after picking Will up again. Ron took a now unconscious Will by the armpits and dragged him the entire way and swinging him into obstacles. If he doesn't end up looking like he got an iodine test, I'll sue him. He gave me a triumph high-five before we started chuckling then roaring with laughter making Mrs. Dwary shoot us strange looks.

After an hour lecture on how we should treat everyone nicely, even if we got provoked, we were suspended from school for 3 days. I made Ron sleepover at our house in Jan's room. That was a pretty lenient punishment considering Will's condition but he provoked me first. Bad idea. I am a woman Will. You don't fuck with us unless you want laxatives in your food or a knife in your gut when you wake up.

But when it came to Jan and Ron, there isn't anything you can do to get back at them. They became the Trouble Duo. And took great enjoyment in tormented me for the 3 days or so.

Doing hellish things like waking me up at 4 a.m. to find some weird smelling stuff on me, random doodles on me, there were even a few on my stomach. Rubber spiders in my socks and shoes ( I hate spiders). They even downloaded weird songs and recorded weird noises into my phone. I tried payback but seriously, the only thing I managed to do is scream in frustration and wait for the day when Calista is having a sleepover for 3 whole days. The only reason why Calista isn't allowed to join me was because of her parents. Ron's parents too, were like Jan and mine. Forever out, never around.

Ah hah. By the time Calista arrives, we'd be evenly matched in strength. Then, the tables would turn. And Jan and hopefully Ron too will...

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