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The year just leapt and all to soon, Calista, Ron and I are graduates. Jan, being the older Smith graduated a year earlier and is currently the person I'm pretending not to know. My dearest brother is standing on a chair waving a CONGRATS DUMBASS board at me from the back of the hall. "So, whatcha gonna do after school?" Jan hopped up to me like a bunny on crack and questioned while stuffing his face with popcorn.

I shrugged. I never really thought about my future that much because for one, my grades aren't exactly the best and, I don't even know what I'm going to do tomorrow. Don't even ask me to plan for my future.

Jan clicked his tongue at me impatiently. "Look at kids nowadays, they don't think about their future anymore."

"Says the person who graduated for a year now and yet doesn't even have a job." I shook my head. "I think I may pursue some biomedical course? I have no idea."

Ron snaked his arm around my waist. "Don't worry your little head J, just train your housekeeping skills woman. I'll do the work and all." I snorted. "I got better grades than you Ron. Why not you stay home and brush up on your pancake-flipping skills and learn how to sweep while I work eh?" We all started laughing and started making our way out of school and to our car for some place to celebrate.

Because Jan drove Calista and I to school and Ron took his own car, both guys just had to fight over who should take me.

"I call dibs on Janice!" Jan roared the moment he stepped out of school. I swear, Ron stomped his foot before declaring in an equally loud voice that he did. "Oh really since when?" Jan shot him his ha-nice-try-but-I-ain't-falling-for-it-just-yet face. Ron wasn't that slow to respond. "Since the day I kissed her. Its a seal you see, via saliva."
Sensing his losing battle, Jan glared at Ron before continuing,
"She's my sister, son. So we are related by blood. And since blood is thicker than water,priority's with me and she sits with me."

"I ain't your son." Was the only thing Ron could say. Bless him. Sometimes, his comebacks are so bad you'd cringe.

"Thank fuck for that. Imagine me with a dumbass shit like you as a child. I'd cry." They glared at each other before I finally decided to break things up and linked arms with Ron to show my choice. "But why this lousy ass shit over me?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but Ron linked arms with me and whipped his head around to look at my older brother. "Oh. I'm sorry. But its bros before hoes. See you." The last thing we heard from Jan was him shrieking "I AIN'T NO HOE BITCH"

Ron started to do some victory dance but I was quick to dampen his spirit. "Just to clear things up. I only chose you 'cause well, Jen is embarrassing and I don't want to be seen anywhere near him."

Faking hurt, he went into rant about how he invested all his love in me and all.

By the time we reached the diner, which was only about 10 minutes away, I felt like kissing the next person I saw. Fighting my way through the crowd, I spotted a corner booth and immediately sat down, reserving the space beside me for Calista. Serves Ron right for treating me to his stupid rant. Looking up, I realized that his smile before we reached the restaurant was replaced by a nervousness I've never seen on him. "Why the sudden worry? 'Fraid I'd ditch you?"

He glanced at me. "Something like that yeah." Shrugging. I went back to my phone until someone destroyed my focus. "My favourite friend!" Calista called out and plonked into the seat beside mine before turning to me. "Ah well, I'm your only friend Cal." Ron looked up too. Only to notice how we've a missing member and the only empty seat is beside him. "Bloody hell, Janice you planned it didn't you?" I shrugged. "Oops?"

"AHA you dumb asshat. Not allowed to sit next to my sister now right!"

Ron's face went to one of worry to a frown. "Why am I still alive?" Jan continued insulting Ron, who sat there cursing his life. "Oh my god! Will you boys shut the fuck up and sit the bloody hell down!" Calista snapped at them, who immediately shut up and glared at each other. I don't know what was with Calista and her bad mood but it was probably just Jan.

When they couldn't stand looking at each other anymore, they reached for the menus in the middle of the table, and of course, it was the same menu.


"No, its mine you ugly ass son of a bitch!"

"I look better than you even if I've a pink wig and a douchebag mustache on. You look like a piece of tumbleweed."

And with that, insults went flying across the table and a short game of tug-of-war began. After Calista threatened to stab them with the fork, they shut up and decided on what food to order, before signalling to the waitress to take the orders. Jan, was shamelessly checking her out.

The food came, we ate, the guys fought over food. Getting up to leave, Ron's worry on his face was back again and halted Jan. "Wait. I need to do something." "What is it? If you need a piss just go and make it quick. I need my sleep."

Glancing down at the greasy floor, he looked up at me again before lowering himself on one knee on the floor at an agonizingly slow pace. Opening a box, he presented a simple ring. " ah, Janice Smith, will you marry me?" Jesus, Ron can be so romantic sometimes.

I stared at him.

"Janice? I know this is a shock but can you please reply because you've been staring at me like I'm a dead log or something."

I knew how proposals go, I've watched them happen, dreamt of my own, hell, I even wrote my own OMG-I-got-proposed-to speech but the only thing I said was, "Uhm...okay then." All the hours I spent, plotting my yeah-I'm-officially-one-step-away-from-marriage speech just went up and merged with the smoke drifting out of the kitchen of the restaurant.

Wow. My ability to react in some situation amaze me so much sometimes.

I don't know when the diner fell silent but I was only aware of it after I replied. The awkward silence floated around in the air until Calista started awkwardly  clapping like a rookie cheerleader on Red Bull or something. "Yay! They are a married couple now!" The crowd erupted into catcalls and cheering. Some wise guy stood on a table and announced the way to the nearest club and close to half of the mob (youngsters and all)  seperated and made their way to the club. I don't know how he did it but, some people just have a way with words.

Jan couldn't be found anywhere so we assumed he managed to get with the waitress afterall. Calista was flirting with the bartender while Ron and I did shots.

It was a fun day, pity the next wasn't that great.


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This book is coming to an end now, so HANG IN THERE KAY??

:            )

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