First step

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Dedicated to 5secondsofsalina

After my daily detention, today for sleeping in class, I could barely even walk out of the room. I don't know why but I just feel very tired. And it's maybe because of yesterday's party. Or sleeping on the couch.

Dammit. I should have dragged myself up to my room.

I was so deep in thought I wasn't looking at where I was headed and hit something hard. A guy's chest.

"Ow! What the actual fuck is wrong with you? What's the use of being so fucking tall if you're so fucking blind you can't see two steps ahead?" My tiredness made me feel cranky as I rubbed my forehead, swearing under my breath.

Instead of apologizing, the guy with a rock hard abs chuckled. Jeez, what the fuck is wrong with this dude? Does my pain make him feel happy? Sadistic dick.

"Hi Janice. God. You look horrible." Ron smirked at me. Really. Someday I will wipe the smirk off his face. Forever.

"Oh look. Its Ron the person who doesn't know his place." I said seriously, making his smirk increase in size. I really wonder how he's face haven't split apart from the 1 000 000 000 times he smirked.

"Ok. I'm sorry. Ok? I was gonna ask you if you wanna you know? Uh..?" He scratched the back of his neck, while I, arched an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish his speech.

"Uh.. I was gonna ask you if... you wanna... uh.. come to my house later, after school. " He looked at me sheepishly. Looking at him, staring at me expecting an immediate answer, I couldn't help it. I started laughing. It took me all I could to not roll on the floor. I was bent over, until I caught my breath.

Ron looked hurt. He probably thinks I'm laughing at his lousy attempts to get to know me better. I nodded my head. And he looked at me with shock and disbelief. Then, he's face broke into a wide smile which displayed his white, even teeth that sparkled, deep dimples and he said," Ok then. Deal. Meet me here after school okay? I have detention to serve so I have to go now."

I stared alittle at him, admiring his smile for a second before realising he just invited me to his house for nothing?

"So...What are we supposed to do at your house?" I asked curiously, making a smirk appear on his face.

"Oh Janice. You know we are going to sing classic love songs and stare into each other's eyes as we do until we fall absolutely in love with each other and end up kissing on the couch."

I sighed. "Alright then whatever. Oh! What did you to land yourself in detention?"

He smirked once again. "Lets say...that the rat prank you pulled off is a little minor compared to what I did." And with a wink, he left. Leaving me to wonder just what animal did he set off in his previous class that left everybody screaming their heads off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We played 20 questions cause it was like some sort of icebreaker. Ron was the one who suggested it , so he started first.

"What's your favourite colour?"


"Ah, typical." He nodded and asked anyway.

"Favorite cartoon?"

"Teen Titans."

"Oh cool. I like that too. Favourite song?"

"Amnesia by 5SOS."

"OK... contents of bucket list?"

"What's a bucket list?"

Ron looked at me blankly as if I just teleported in front of him, or I just declared that I come from Pluto and is pissed that my planet became a dwarf planet instead.

"How can you not have a bucket list? Its like a list of things you wanna do before you die." I didn't know what to do or say so I just nodded.

"Well, lets make yours now. What's the things you really wanna do before you die?"

I shook my head. Does he actually expect me to tell him, someone I don't really know about what I really want to know before I die?

"C'mon." He whines like a three-year old and I smiled and relented.

He grinned and continued," Ok, what's something you really want to do? Like a thing you really have to do before you die?"

I thought hard.

"Kiss a guy and get a tattoo."

Ron looked at me, amused. And he smiled. Like a real one. The one he gave me a few hours before. Not a smirk, like he always does. It makes his eyes sparkle. Handsome. Jeez.. Does he think I want to kiss him..?

"Wait wait wait. You screw around with almost every guy in school but you have never kissed?" Ron asked incredulously.

"Yep. They never get to swap spit with me. The job is all yours Sterling you know you want to." There was a slight pause before I realised what he said and scowled. "Hey. What do you mean I 'screw around with almost every guy in school'?"

"Pssh. As if I want my royal saliva mixed with your measly ones. And also, I meant just what I said." He scoffed, making me scowl at him.

Brushing it off, we went on talking about bucket lists and stuff. Ron told me his and we laughed together at some of the weird stuff he wants to do.

"By the way, you aren't forgiven for the food smash." Ron informs me and I grinned, "So?"

"I'll forgive you..." "No shit?!?"

"..if you get this in the face." And with that, he slammed a pie into my face.

"Let the games begin!" He shrieked as I ran to the kitchen for ammunition.

Please, VOTE and COMMENT!! It'd mean a lot to me if you do, THANK YOU!!

xxx. I require deep help in the feedback portion so please gorgeous peeps, comment too : )

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