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I swear I tried to listen. But see, situations alter circumstances and the situation in this case, is being the unfortunate person beside Ron Sterling.

As Mdm Brentyl droned on about Ancient Rome, I frantically scribbled down notes like a hopeless nerd which deep down I am but,

"Psst! Janice!" I gritted my teeth and continued taking notes.

"Janice!" He nudged my shoulder, causing me to draw a random line on my paper. Shooting him a side-glare as he stuffed his face into his hands to muffle his laughter I glanced down and sighed at my paper before continuing with the note-taking.

Why was I taking notes you may ask? Simply because a lazy woman who's also known as Calista Tetcher didn't want to do anything and relies on me, heavily for History. Partially because the only thing she does is sleep in here. Her motto when it comes to History is, 'Let History be history and Calista be sleepy'  I don't know if it makes actual sense but apparently does for her so she follows it. A few months back, I slept through an important lesson and didn't take notes, Calista literally pushed me into the pool and held me under because I didn't take the notes and as a result, both of us failed the test.

"Yes Mr Sterling?" I glanced at my seating partner to find him grinning sheepishly at Mdm Brentyl yet under that, I still saw a shadow of his smirk.

"I don't understand some things yet Janice isn't volunteering her help." Mdm Brentyl sighed and obviously, like other teachers forced me to help him. Turning towards him I looked at him impatiently while he looked back, mirroring my reaction. "How may I help you kind sir? Would you like a cup of tea, coffee or would you like me to iron your shoes?" I questioned sarcastically.

Playing along, he continued," What would you recommend miss?"

"A cup of Shut The Fuck Up or Fuck Off. I can iron your fingers or toes if you want too Sir."

Ron's hand shot into the air again. Irritated from the interruption, Mdm Brentyl clicked her tongue impatiently before calling upon Ron to speak. "Janice spoke about ironing my fingers and toes and even cussed at me."

She directed her angry look at me. "One more complain about you Miss Smith and I'll send you off to detention." I rolled my eyes and glared at Ron. "That's right. Miss Smith. Don't talk about ironing any body part of mine anymore."

"What body part? Your non-existent dick?"

"Miss Smith! Detention! Now!" I shot out of my chair. "Thank god!" I cried dramatically before gliding out of the room, even bowing to Mdm Brentyl on the way out. I jerked my thumb behind my shoulder. "By the way, he said your voice sounded like a murder of crows squabbling over a pebble. I don't know what that means but I thought that I should tell you."

With that, I left the room and it wasn't long before Mdm Brentyl started screaming at Ron.

Payback's a bitch, bitch.

(BlurryLights) is my editor becauze frankly, my grammer sucks [ALOT] so she helps me with that.
Follow me on Instagram @dauntrudite_yx (if you wanna) but please vote and, comment. I really need the comments. Thank you!!!

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