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The next day was hell in a whole. I woke up on my bed, yesterday's perfectly styled hair in impossible knots, smeared makeup, with Ron and his loud snores and a hell of a headache.

Fuck me. I shouldn't have drank that much I knew it. Struggling to get out of bed, I lazily hoisted my left hand onto the little drawer beside my bed and saw my ring finger glitter.

Oh right. That's why I partied so hard yesterday. Being engaged to Ron is so...weird. We still bully each other and everything but the atmosphere between us sort of...changed?

Shrugging to myself, I applied a little more weight on my left hand but the drawer didn't co-operate with me and instead, tilted over and fell with a crash.

"Who's in danger! J, its an earthquake! Run!" Ron shot up and screamed before noticing me looking at him like an alien. "What the hell is- Oh god my head." Groaning about hangover being a bitch and all, he struggled to fall back asleep while I, make myself out of bed, determined to brew myself some huge-ass cup of coffee and down it like a shot. After a shower of course.

Sighing at the tangled mass on my head, I decided to just towel it dry and try combing it later. At least I don't look like I just robbed a bank.

Making my way down, I noticed Jan sleeping on the dining table and Calista at the foot of the stairs. I've no idea why because all I cared about at that moment was getting my coffee. Walking with a new purpose, I may have forgotten about how Calista bunked in at the foot of my stairs and stepped on her stomach by accident.

Ironically, she didn't wake up because I stepped on her, but because I tripped over her arm and landed on my back in the most painful looking position ever.

"Seriously J? Nice wake up call. Where the fuck am I?"

"My house. Why the hell are you on the stairs?"

Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion and concentration as she tried to recall. "I don't know. I think I tried to make it up the stairs but well, gave up halfway I guess."

I rose an eybrow. "You didn't even make it up the first step."

Waving me away after requesting for a coffee, she shuffled off to the toilet. Next person to question, Jan Smith.

Since I planned on cooking anyway, I banged the pan in Jan's ear, watching him jolt awake screaming before cursing when he saw me laughing my ass off. "Are you quite done? Whatchu wake me up for?"

When I finally expelled all the laughter from me, I managed to coherently answer that I needed to cook and that he's sleeping on the table. "Ah well. Wait." Apparently forgetting the fact that he's on a table and not a bed, he rolled over and promptly fell off. "Yeah thats right. Keep laughing." He grumbled as he rubbed his shoulder.

"You should have seen your face." I barely managed to choke out before collapsing into a laughing fit again. "I'm leaving you, you moron." And with that, he stomped off to the toilet, only to encounter a locked door. "WHY IS TODAY LIKE THIS!?" He screamed before pounding his fist ferociously against the door.

"Chill the fuck out idiot! I'm showering!" They continued bickering while I, went about preparing breakfast for everyone after programming a cup of coffee for myself.

"Smells nice." I turned and smiled at Ron, who snatched a piece of freshly cooked bacon from the plate. "Ah shit! Why is it hot?" Swapping it from hand to hand, I shook my head at his stupidity. "Ron, there is a reason why humans invented forks. And I just cooked it what were you expecting?"

Kissing me on the cheek, he readied another plate for himself and transferred food onto it, carefully using the fork.

When I was finally done, Calista was already at the table as I sat down and after biting into a bacon strip, picked up the mug of coffee to swallow with. Gravity seemed to be on every other object's side or something because the cup over-tilted and ended up drenching my entire blue top.

Just then, Jan waltzed in and saw the coffee spilling. "SEE? That's what you get for laughing at me!" Sighing in annoyance, I got up and left for my room, Ron shamelessly admiring me from behind.

~      ~        ~         ~        ~

"We are out of groceries already, Jan go buy some."

"Why me?" Jan and Ron sat on the sofa trying to outdo each another in some football match. "Goal!" Ron called out and watched the replay over and over while Jan growled in frustration. "You made me lose!"

I glared at him. Lazy bastard. "Fine. I'll go!" Grabbing my car keys, I turned on the Lamborghini and speed down to the street to get some ice-cream first.

"Cookies and cream please." After receiving my change, I took the cone and on my way out, crossed paths with Nicole.

"You! You'll pay for snatching Ron away from me!" She snarled. I laughed and licked my ice-cream. "What are you gonna do? Eat my ice-cream for me? Throw it away? Or, OH I know, pull my hair?" Laughing, I pushed past her and went to the stall, bought whatever I needed and drove back, Dear Future Husband blasting over my speakers.

I heard the screeching of tires and everything when it was too late. I jammed on the brakes but there wasn't enough time for my car to stop. The cars hit and somehow, my car flipped, giving me a 360 degree view of the world. Within those seconds, I saw Nicole's evil face grinning at me even though the blood trickled down from the middle of her forehead where she hit the steering wheel.

The car came smashing to the ground, and the pain came from everywhere. My vision faded to darkness, but I saw snippets of my life.

Me throwing the burger in Ron's face, Jan getting thrown into the pool by my biological father when we were younger, Calista braiding my hair for our first ever party, me stepping on Calista today, Ron at the waterfalls, Ron's laughter echoing in my ears.

Future husband, better love me right.

I heard myself whisper Ron's name one last time before my vision faded to darkness and then nothing.

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