Two points off

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"Woohoo!" I cheered and pumped my fists when Ron scored the final goal at the final second after a ferocious tackle on the opponent.

"Suck on it suckers!!! We won bitch!" I pointed to the opponent and shouted. They glared at me before shaking their heads in disbelief, some laughed.

See, I've gone full school spirit-ish and using red and blue paint (school colours), drew stripes on my cheek like war paint. Hell, even my forehead had stripes. I held those cheerleading things that I swung around randomly at random moments of the match.
"What in God's name are you supposed to be?" Ron chuckled. Calista didn't answer me because her face was buried between her hands, shielding herself from second-hand embarrassment from being friends with me.

"Can't you tell you dumbass shit? I'm a cheerleader!" I hopped and shook the fluffy ball things again. "She's just high." Was Calista's muffled answer. I didn't really care cauze I was fixated by Ron's expression. It was filled with amusement, surprise, and I don't know what else all jumbled up in his eyes.

I'm not even kidding.

I cheered for a guy I've gotten quite close to after 2 months. We tried to complete each others' bucket lists and sure enough, mine was the cooler one. Today, after this game, Ron's gonna take me to see a waterfall. That's my.. 23th one. And I've to bring my swimwear.

We reached a unknown-to-me-until-today waterfall. And its damn beautiful. He smirked at my awed-struck face.

"Change into your swimwear and wait for me beside the car." He ordered.

Used to getting orders from him, I shrugged and changed, and saw him leaning against the car. He was only wearing shorts and his abs are fucking hot. He really had a tattoo, which was one of a dragon on his shoulder, its tail curling artistically at the bottom. 

Shit. I think I'm blushing or drooling or doing both. Seeing me, he grabbed my hand and tugged me along. We stood in front of the waterfall on some rocks cause there was some kind of lake thingy that's kinda deep and I gaped at the beauty. Ron chuckled at my face but I ignored him. When I turned to ask him the name of the river, he pushed me in.

I screamed and grabbed at the nearest thing to stop my fall. Which was Ron's arm, and pulled him in along with me.

I kicked up to the surface, thankful when I was able to breath again. The water is fucking cold, so cold I think I would freeze into a life-sized popsicle if I stayed any longer. And only something as hot as Ron will be able to defrost me. Wait what. Did I just think that??

I could hear Ron laughing behind me and I glared at him. I was gonna make my way out when Ron grabbed my foot and pulled me in again. I screamed from the sudden cold and smacked him as hard as I could on the head, grinning when I heard him moan in pain. Taking the chance, I hoisted myself onto one of the rocks. I took a towel and dried myself, before putting on my clothes again. Ron helped me to the highest rock, where I continued gaping at the beauty. He tugged at my hand after 9 minutes.

"Hands off pal. Trying to savour the moment here." I muttered. He dragged me anyways, making me mumble and grumble. He lead me to somewhere I believe is behind the waterfall. This is soo cool. Wait. What's gonna happen? There's no one. Ron is ruffling his hair, which is something he does when he's embarrassed or nervous. What's happening?

"Janice? You've completed the main point to accomplish right? See a waterfall? Do you remember another one? Your first?"

I nodded nervously. Ron inhaled deeply and ruffling his hair again, he stepped closer, and pressed his lips to mine.

I didn't know what to do, how to react or anything. Afterall, its my first kiss and it was awkward.

We broke away for air and I smacked his head.

"Ow! What's that for?" "I didn't know shit. One moment you were looking so damn nervous and the next you've your lips up against mine. Its..." I paused to take a breath of air as well as to think of a word while Ron watched me intensely "Creepy!" I shouted and jabbed Ron in the chest this time.

"Uhm...okay..?" Ron replies unsurely, hands in front of him as if to protect himself from future injuries.

"You are a creep." I crossed my arms and turned my head to the other side childishly as Ron watched, amused at my behaviour while I continued complaining about other things, to try and clear out the awkwardness.

*Sighs* I don't have any idea as to how I'm supposed to make this an un-awkward scene cauze, LOL I know close to nothing about kissing except its just two people lean in, lips touch, sparks fly and Fireworks play in the background, yay.

Vote or comment for my effort yeah?

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