Back together?

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Ten days after my fight with Nicole the bitch ass bitch, I finally returned back to school.

My head held high, I marched pass the whispers and realized that when I reached my locker, Nicole was already there, surprisingly without Ron.

Her face was still a swirl of colours from the varying stages of her bruises as she snarled at me. "Upset over someone I see? Well then you should know that yesterday, I made Ron-" "Bitch you know what? You should just shut the fuck up and start running before I go at you for round 2. Are the injuries from Janice too minor for you? I heard you needed some plastic surgery for you broken nose. " Calista was suddenly beside me, glaring at Nicole like she was something unpleasant on the sole of her shoes. "This is none of your business."

"None of my business be damned. Janice is my best friend and if you think I'm gonna allow you to tell her shit then you're deeply mistakened.Now. Be a good bitch and run away now before I go hulk on your ass."

Snarling once again, Nicole turned on her heels and stomped away. I noticed the slight limp in her steps and felt my lips twitch up in a pathetic attempt of a smile after what seemed like centuries. "If you came to school 2 days ago, you could have caught her with her entire face bandaged up and limping around the school with crutches." Calista grinned, knowing exactly what I was thinking about.

"Janice? Janice thank god I-" "Save it dickhead. My girl is not in the mood to listen to two bullshitters in a row. She needs her space so go ahead and move along." Calista spoke up for me again and I realized that this was the reason why the friendship between the both of us never wavered. Because we stood up for each other.

Ron frowned. "Yeah. Who are you to tell me that? I am her boyfriend."

Calista shook her head. "You were her boyfriend. And who am I? I'm her best friend. So I suggest you shut your sorry ass and go home."

Ron snapped. "What is wromg with you people? I didn't sleep with no one except her in this last 10 plus days. Ever since I asked her to be my girlfriend the only sexual activity I had was with her and with a picture of her!" I grimanced then. Not wanting to imagine anything. "Nicole's been spreading lies about me and everyone believes it! Yet when the victim speaks up no one listens! The fuck is wrong with y'all?"

He opened his mouth to yell again when he noticed me taking a step towards him. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Do I look like I fucking get paid to lie to you? Do I look like I enjoy being the center of everyone's insults?"

He opened his mouth again to yell but I cut him off when I placed my lips onto his.

What I wanted to do was to slap him across the face but well.

He deepened the kiss until things became too heated. I stopped and whispered in his ear. To other people, it may look like I'm whispering my apology into his ear, but it wasn't anything sweet. It eas something every man fears."One more false rumor from anyone and you not explaining to me in full detail and you'd find you're balls in a coffee grinder the next morning. Deal?"

I expected him to grin at my words but instead, he turned pale at the menacing tone of my voice. "Yes Sir."

I turned to Calista and hugged her until I felt my bones crack and her struggle to take in air. "Thank you for what you did BFF." "Anytime Sister."

And at that time I knew that even if a tornado were to come between us, I knew, that our friendship would withstand it.

Hi and yes. Extremely sorry for the lame-ass chapp :   ( I'm only 14+ so I've 0% knowledge on things like this except from books/shows. So, please forgive me.

Vote? Thank you ;    )

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