Ron's house

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My jaw dropped wider and wider as we drove closer and closer to Ron's house.

House is an understatement.

The place Ron Sterling lives in is a fucking palace. Sure Ron was rich. Like, yeah branded clothes, stationery, cars. But I seriously didn't know he was that rich. In front of the palace (yes I'm just gonna call it a palace) there was a garden.

Yep. A fucking garden, filled with flowers of every kind, of every species. This made me change my view towards flowers. I always thought they were just colourful decoration that love the sun. Now, I saw them as the living creatures they really are.

Glancing at Jan, I smirked, and made a mental note to congratulate Ron later. Jan's eyes were as wide as saucers, and this is super duper RARE. As sixteen years of being Jan's sister, I came to the conclusion that Jan is the type of person who is 'happy-with-everything-he-has' and thus, rarely gets jealous of a person having this and that and so on. Truthfully, I don't know how Jan got news of this party but I received the party vibe from him so of course, he left for the party with me.

We parked at an open space filled with Mercedes, Bentleys, and such. Coloured lights shot through the windows as the silhouettes of the already intoxicated people danced on the dance floor. And it has only been 40 minutes.

Stepping in, I felt overdressed in a t-shirt and a striped skirt that hit mid-thigh. Everyone were in mini shorts or skirts, stomach revealing shirts and all. Looking lost, I sought to trying to locate the bar, which was lost in the midst of everyone.

Finally spotting it somewhere at the back, I squeezed and shoving my way through, muttering "Excuse you". The bar area was quite empty as most of the people were dancing. Ordering just any random drink, I scanned the crowd, seeing Calista's blonde head bobbing to the beat and dancing with some unknown guy that sucked at acting drunk, yep. Definitely the guy that wants to get into Calista's pants. Or in this case, skirt. I sauntered over, gave that guy a very obvious look before turning my attention to Calista, who was muttering random stuff about Winnie the Pooh.

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her to the bar area and made her accompany me when I drank, not allowing her to drink anymore herself, making her glare at me murderously. I lost count of the drinks I took before getting myself so drunk I could hardly even stand. Then, stumbling to the dance floor, I danced in my 3 inch heels.

Calista and I danced so hard and good everyone stared at us. We were the best at club dancing, that always make people stare. Looking at each other, we challenged each other silently, to see who can do the best dance moves. So we began the dance challenge, which lead to other people challenging their dance partners too. Suddenly, I felt a person's pressence and looked around.

I saw Ron, who didn't even look drunk, although he drank more drinks then me at the bar as he was sitting at my far left. He asked in that smooth and rich voice," Wanna challenge me?" I agreed instantly, being the kind of person that never backs down from a challenge. Nudging Calista, we stood beside each other, watching Ron dance and damn. He was good. When he finished, he crossed his arms and waited for us to do our best, everyone else, had their eyes on the center, which was where the 3 of us were. And as we danced to Animals by Martin Garrix, the rest of the people cheered and catcalled all the way.

I glanced at the clock. Its already 3 a.m. and Jan isn't anywhere, yelling at me for staying up this late. Scanning the crowd, while Calista watched Ron pair up with Will to dance, I spotted Jan. He was drunk. Maybe even, drugged. But he was enjoying the attention nonetheless. With some of the 'famous' girls surrounding him, stroking his arm and all. Ewwws. That's my brother bitches. Not your toy.

I muttered to Calista about me leaving but I don't know if she'll actually hear me cause she was catcalling with the rest.

Pushing my way through the crowd, I tapped the nearest bimbo that's flirting with Jan.

"Hey bitch." She stroked his arm,"This hunk, is mine." I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. I laughed so loudly everyone around me stopped catcalling to wonder what's wrong with me. The bimbo, was super confused but she covered her actually emotions with a smirk.

After a good 2 minutes of laughing, I mananged to say," Hunk? Jan.. Jan is my older brother, bitch." Before laughing again. This time, my legs couldn't even support my weight. So, I plopped down. The bimbo glared at me and left with a scornful smirk on her face. Judge all you want bitch.

When I gained composure, I shouted to Calista who, even though she is two bodies away from me that I'm going home. This time, I dragged Jan out.

Once we were outside, I gave Jan 2 slaps and that, at least managed to wake him up a little. Slinging his left arm over my shoulder, I staggered from the alcohol and Jan's body weight to our car.

I was about to unlock the door when someone told me to stop. Turning, I saw Ron, who stood there awkwardly, and asked if I needed help. My reply," Oh thank all the gods. Are you sent by one of them? Cause I really need your help." I said in a slurred voice. At that, he drove us back, threw Jan on his bed and left, blowing kisses at me as he backed out of my house. Jeez.. I thought only girls do that?

With that in mind, I barely managd to lock the front door before falling into a deep sleep on the couch despite knowing I would wake up with horrible aches in addition to my hang over.

So much for a few hours of fun.

Thank y'all for reading this!! Please please VOTE and more importantly, COMMENT cauze this book is alittle too quiet.

THANKYOU!! (I actually don't know what is happening in this chapter)

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