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How can more people read about Janice's funeral then her death????
Written by holdontillthenight

((obviously, Janice is dead.))

I looked in the mirror one last time, to see if my suit was in order. It was the suit Jan and I had picked out for the wedding. And instead of wearing it to get married to the love of my life, I'm attending her funeral in it.
I walked out of my room, into the corridors of my huge house. I still remember the exact party which Janice and I had our first proper conversation, when we played 20 questions. When we made her bucket list.

The same one she would never finish.

The house was so lonely. We were going to live in it. Together. Now that was never going to happen, and I was going to live in this house for the rest of my life in loneliness and grief. I heard a car pull up in my driveway, and I knew that it was Jan. He had offered to drive me to the funeral. I think he was secretly scared I might do something stupid if I'm left alone in a car. And maybe he himself needed me to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. I got into the car, and greeted him all without making eye contact. I really couldn't. Call me dumb, but I couldn't look at his face without getting reminded of Janice's, since they were siblings.

We arrived at the graveyard where her funeral was being held.

We were one of the last, actually. There were more people than I expected. Calista was there, obviously. She was bawling her eyes out, and looked as if that's what she had been doing since the news got to her. As much as I loved Janice, I couldn't imagine how hard losing your best friend is, especially one that has been yours for almost your whole life. There were some girls from school  beside her, but they were not even trying to console her, knowing that it was impossible. Just being there for her was everything they could do. Even thought they weren't exactly close to Janice, they was sobbing too. I guess some of it had to do with everyone else being so sad, but I guess being in the same school as someone for so long would rub off you. Especially if that person was Janice. Janice Smith will impact your life in some way, whether or not you like it. That's just how great she was.

I felt tears springing to my eyes the closer we got to the crowd. I recognised so many familiar faces from high school. Most of them had been out of contact since we graduated, and I felt a sudden urge to punch something out of anger. I don't know whether to think that they were nice enough to show up or only showed up to feign sympathy.

To my surprise, Nicole was there. I don't know what to feel.

Her parents were there, too. Both sets of them. Her father and mother hadn't spoken to each other in years, but today, they apparently are connected by the same source of grief.

Finally, I decided to just focus on the reason I was there. The closer I got to her coffin, the more everyone else just faded from my mine. I drew in a sharp breath when I saw her. They had cleaned up her wounds from the accident, but there were still stitches all over. Her eyes were closed, but this time even I couldn't think she was just sleeping. She was gone. She didn't sleep like that and I know, because I've slept beside her and stared at her shamelessly while she slept. Her mouth wide open and all limbs slightly spread out.That's it. She was wearing one of her favourite outfits, a white top and a black skirt. Janice Smith, still being the badass she was even after life. My eyes went over to her hands on her lap, her left over right. The ring. She was still wearing it. The peridot was cracked, but that was all. I couldn't take any of this anymore. I broke down.

Why did this have to happen to her? Right when we were getting married? She didn't deserve this! The universe is so unfair.
Someone, I think, Jan, gently took me by my shoulders and guided me to my seat beside Calista, and the funeral began.

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