The new girl

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The corridors fell silent except for the clicking of heels. I looked and saw a girl with mini clothes. Jeez... her cleavage is showing, her butt cheeks are showing.

And all the guys. Are just staring at her. They look at her like she's some fucking goddess or something. Ok, sue me. I'm jealous. This is my role. And the bitch is stealing my position.

Nudging me with her elbow, Calista muttered," What the fuck? Did she accidentally wear her dog's clothes?"

I couldn't help it. I started laughing. My sense of humor sucks and at times like this sometimes I really hope to be normal. Everyone looked at me, the looney who's just randomly laughing madly like I'm the Joker or something.

The new girl's eyes narrowed at me. I kept laughing. When she made her way to me, her heels so high she can't even walk properly, wobbling alittle on her journey to me and I imagined her actually trying run after me and falling face-first, I roared with laughter again.

She reached out to poke me at the shoulder, but I smacked her arm. I said," Don't you know its rude to poke people?"

"Well, I think you're the rude one laughing at me." She hissed.

"I? Laugh at you? Oh please. Don't flatter yourself. It'll hurt so bad when all your hopes and dreams come crashing down over you. Besides, my laughter costs more than them dog clothes on you and oh, your life too." I replied, smirking, mentally smacking myself for not coming up with a better comeback. At least this is a slightly acceptable one.

She snarled, but her posture relaxed.

"Ron! Oh my Bunny. How've you been?" She squealed. Hey. Ron is mine. Why else will I stick around with that nut who plays too hard to get?

Ron smirked he must have seen my reaction as he enveloped The Bitch in a hug, while she, kept going on about some dumb stuff and how she 'misses you so much Ronny' 'I sent you a message Ron why didn't you reply' Bitch what. Are you gonna start singing Hotline Bling? I looked at them and shuddered in disgust, before leaving for class, dragging a laughing Calista along.


Janice's expression when the new girl squealed my name, was priceless. Her eyes narrowed into slits, and I could just see her thinking," Fuck off bitch. Ron's mine."

Nicole was my ex. When we first started dating, it was really fun. Us laughing and talking at and about random things, hanging around at my house just snuggling or screwing around. But after a month or so, I felt confined, caged. Claustrophobic. Everywhere I went, she tagged along. Hell, I can't even pee without her waiting for me on the other side of the door like I'm a highly dangerous criminal who had to be under surveillance 24/7. I missed my player ways. I had only one way for her to get away from me, rejection.

I felt like a real jerk. Shunning away from her kisses, repeatedly delaying dates, but she didn't get the message. The other girls did. They started approaching me but I couldn't do anything to or with them yet.

Things became worse. We had an argument and I saw that as a breaking point so the next school day, I made sure she was looking when I kissed the school's cheerleader captain, Mayla Serdent.

Nicole's eyes were wide with shock. She always thought we were 'meant to be together' and me doing that broke her heart. She didn't come to school for 3 days and after, the teachers announced that she transferred schools and I, being a dick just sighed in relief, knowing that she couldn't exactly make me pay for what I did like what she promised.

Now that she's back. I should really be wary.

"I sent you a message yesterday Ron, why didn't you reply me?" Oh. That was her? Dammit Ron. If your thoughts weren't so fixated on Janice you would have read the text and catch a flu but nooo, you were smiling at the couch.

My ex is back and my heart feels like it's caught in another girl's grasp. If life was complicated before, what's gonna happen to me?

HI There!!! Sorry for the description of the new girl. Keep reading people becauze the story is nowhere close to ending yet.

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