Chapter-14 Battle for Titania Part 1: The Cost Of War

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"Well the more the merrier." said a Titanian officer.

With that they headed to HQ.

"So we've beaten back all enemy forces in the city, except for here."

A general placed his finger on a map of the city as he explained the situation.

"If we don't get them out soon, the offensive will roll right over us. I understand that Corporal Kudrov knows what these unidentified creatures are."

Kronos went to the front and cleared his throat.

"Well, to put it bluntly, these creatures are Demons."

The room went quiet, Kronos wasn't sure if they didn't believe him or were too shocked to answer. One person finally spoke up.

"As in from Hell?"

Kronos nodded.

"Take that any way you like, there's no question that we face an enemy far more ruthless than anything of this world. And for the record, this has happened before. As a matter of fact, it happened several times in the Solar System. Now I just happen to have a database on the known types of Demons, so bear with me."

A projector showed images and descriptions of all the creatures that Fox had encountered so far, and many that he hadn't seen. The zombies were actually zombies; The normal type walked slow and the trooper type were the ones that used guns. The eight-eyed creatures were called Imps, as Kronos had told Fox earlier. The two-headed creatures were called Maggots even though they had no resemblance to their namesake. The dog-like creatures were called Pinkys, The flying skulls were called Lost Souls. Fox already knew what the Wraiths were. The tan-colored flying creatures were Cacodemons. And the very muscular creatures were called Hell Knights.

"Darn, now I can't say hell without it coming back to bite me." Fox thought.

Not long after the briefing, Star Fox, Kronos, and a squad of Titanians were heading into the occupied neighborhood. They were going along the rooftops to avoid enemy patrols, but had found no such activity. Kronos was on rear when he heard a noise from behind. Instinctively, he whipped around and threw his knife. A luckless Elite got it right in the neck. He gurgled a little before falling over.

As Kronos retrieved the knife, a Titanian commented. "Man, I'm glad he's on our side."

They continued on until they found the enemy entrenchments. Most of the troops were in the dug-outs or walking near them. Since Elites wear a lens over each eye that allows them to keep track of their ammo and shields as well as possessing infrared, night vision, and x-ray vision, Kronos used his to see that there were also troops in the houses across the road; But something didn't feel right.

"This force seems too small."

Fox looked over at him.

"You think there are more hiding out somewhere?"

"Maybe, but there's only one way to find out."

They got down off the rooftop into an alley out of the enemy's sight.

"Okay, lobbing grenades into the trenches ought to work. But keep an eye open, there may be more enemy soldiers around."

However, just as Kronos finished, someone screamed "BASTARDS!"

A Titanian ran past him and out of the alley. A Siberian and two Elites spotted him. They gunned him down and started walking towards the alley.

"Ah shit, here they come." said Fox.

"What the hell was that guy thinking?" Falco added.

One of the Titanians pointed over to ten corpses piled at the end of the alley.

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