Chapter 22

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"Thea and Emily, you two will go undercover to sneak into a business and steal the information" May started to explain. "Sage and Flint, you two will be backing them up from the jet"

"What about us?" Charlie spoke up.

"We don't need you two for the mission" May stated coldly.

"Oh okay" Charlie shyed away.

"Let's go get dressed Thea" Emily pulled me away. We entered the storage room where the future kids have arrived. "We have come a long way as a team since then" Emily commented, noticing how I was staring in the space they had arrived in.

"Do you ever think about them going back?" I looked to her as she stood beside me.

"Sage told me that they don't really want to go back to where they came from, must not have been too good" she shrugged. "Here, let's go get ready" she pulled me along again after getting our dresses.

"Why do we have to wear these" I questioned, stepping out to show her the dark green dress I work with long sleeves and black heels.

"Because we are sneaking into a business and the secretary's wear dresses" she explained.

"But are the heels really necessary?"

"Come one Thea" she walked out wearing her own grey dress. "Let's go get Sage and Flint."

"Wow, looking good" Flint commented as we met up in the hanger.

"Let's just get this done with" I sighed, walking onto the Quinn jet.

"Oh Thea, could you go get the drive from Zach? I left it in the lab but he should be bringing it out" she explained as she sat in the co pilots seat.

"You planned this, didn't you?" Emily leaned down to her.

"Maybe" she shrugged. I walked off and was met by the future boy coming over casually with the thumb drive.

"Hey Zachary, I can take that" his attention was pulled to me as he took in my outfit.

"Wow, you look wow" he gaped while staring.

"Thank you, but we have a mission to go on so could I have the drive please?" I held out my hand.

"Right, of course" he scrambled to place it in my hand. With a little wave from him I walked back on and got ready for take off. I sent Sage and Flint a nod, signalling that it was time to take off for our mission.


"Remember, get the information and get out" Flint reminded us for the third time since we left the Quinn jet.

"Yes, we heard you the first two times" Emily sighed in annoyance.

"Just trying to protect my friends" he claimed before going quiet and letting us work.

"I'm going in, cover me" I walked away from Emily and into the back room where the computer terminal was. Plugging in the flash drive I began to type away at the keys, staring the download.

"Thea, a little help here!" My best friend called out to me.

"What did you do now?" I ran out to find her having been pinned down on the floor. "Okay, you wanna fight? Let's fight" I pulled up my dress and tied it out of my way, taking a fighting stance and waiting for them to make the first move. Three men ran towards me, I ducked as the first one swung a punch then slid my feet out from under the next two. Going back and fourth between the security guards I had finally made it to Emily, helping her to her feet.

"Let's get out of here, where's the drive?"

"Back there" I pointed across the long room.

"Thea, that'll be impossible to get to" she sighed, noticing the men beginning to stand up again, ready for round two.

"I got this, you go back to the jet" I ordered. She hesitantly ran off, leaving me to run back into the fight, taking hits here and there and delivering my own. "Ah!" I screamed out in pain as a throbbing flashed through my wrist. "God damnit" I sighed, cradling my wrist against my chest as I dodged the rest of the men, pulling out the drive and rushing towards the closest window. "Flint, I'm going to need a pickup." I stated.


"East side of the building, tenth floor"

"Please tell me you are not thinking what I think your thinking" he begged.

"Just fly the jet" I ordered, pulling out my gun and facing the window.

"Ready" Flint stated. With his words I ran towards the glass, shooting it before I crashed through and dove into the jet.

"Thanks for the ride" I told him.

"Did you get it?" Emily helped me to sit down. I simply pulled it out of my pocket and held it up proudly.

"Come on Em, I always finish the mission" I reminded with a smirk.

"Your gonna die one day, you know that?" She laughed.

"No I'm not"  I told her confidently.


"Hey, how'd the mission go?" Zachary appeared in the lab.

"We completed it" I stated, plugging in the drive and groaning in pain at my wrist.

"What happened to you?" He worried, stepping closer.

"Just a little sore" I shrugged.

"Let me take a look" he gently grabbed my wrist.

"You don't even know what your doing"

"In the future I helped Sage and Charlie whenever they got hurt, which was quite often. So I may not be a doctor like you but I think I can help" Zachary offered with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

"Fine" I handed over my wrist as he poked it a bit.

"It's definitely sprained" he stated matter of factly. "Do you have something I can wrap it up with?" He started looking around.

"I can do it myself thank you" I stood up from my chair as he shot me a look.

"No. Now where is it?"

"Under the table" I directed Zachary to the first aid kit.

"Thank you, that wasn't so hard" he commented after wrapping my wrist up tightly. Suddenly before I could speak the computer started beeping. "What's going on now?" He began to panic.

"Relax, it's just letting me know the upload is done" I stated calmly, spinning my chair over to the terminal to begin typing.

"So what do you have to do now?" The future boy leaned over my shoulder.

"Rewatch our fight to see if we can find any clues before I set up the overnight search for data" I shrugged, playing the footage.

"Need any help?"


"Okay" he sat beside me anyways.

"What are you doing?" I looked back at him.

"Just watching the fight" He shrugged. "Woah, you took down all of those guys by yourself?" He gasped as he watched me take down all of the men who had attacked us. I smiled slightly and turned back to watch the footage.

Question of the day: what did you think of Zachary helping Thea patch up her wrist?

Sorry I haven't been very active recently, I've been busy and I promise I have many new story's coming soon (Star Wars and marvel).

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