Chapter 03

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"Oh look here comes the cavalry and her emotional support!" A boy with black hair calls out as we continued down the halls.

"Keep walking" Emily warns me in a hushed tone as I tense up beside her.

"That's right keep running just like you ran from all your other mistakes!" I came to a halt at these words, making Emily groan Emily groans, feeling that my presence is not beside her anymore.

"Here we go again" she sighs, turning around with her eyes squeezed shut, not wanting to deal with this on a Monday morning. I had quickly moved to land a strong right hook on the guy as his friends gasped at my out-lash. They stared at me in shock before coming at me again. Emily dropped all of her book except for one to the ground with a thud. Taking the last book in her hands she roughly smacked one of his friends in the face with it. The boy fell back while I kicked my legs under the last one, making him fall to the ground like the others.

"Emily! Thea! My office now!" Agent Weaver called out as she watched the events unfold from her office. Emily and I looked to each other with sighs, picking up our books and bags we followed her to the office. "You girls know why you are in here" the headmaster starts off as she takes her seat across from where we sat on the opposite side of her desk.

"Yes ma'am" Emily speaks up with a blankness to her voice as if she was a robot.


"Of course I know why I'm here" I snapped at her with annoyance, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Great, both of you girls will have detention after school today. You will be taken to the lighthouse base on the outskirts of Rivers End and you will clean it out. You will both have detention everyday until the base is spotless" she orders us both with a stern filled voice.

"Yes ma'am" Emily replies again with a nod. I simply stood up and threw my bag over my shoulder before marching out of the office swiftly. "Thea! Wait up!" Emily chases me out, jogging to catch up in my rage of fury.

"What Emily?" I paused to snap.

"Let's just finish classes and get this over with" the blond sighed. We both walked in silence to our separate classes for the day.


Emily and I had sat in silence the entire ride to the base, both of us in frustration over the situation you had gotten ourselves into. The jet landed and we both marched off into the dark base that hadn't been used in years.

"We are in this mess because of you, you know that right?" Emily snapped at me the moment I turned the lights on to see what we were dealing with.

"You were the one who slammed your book into his head" I countered, walking past her and getting to work. She let out a groan at my behaviour and we started to sort through the boxes.

"Yeah because I was backing up my best friend so that she wouldn't lose her mind after all that's happened!"

"Emily you don't need to watch over me all the time, I've told you before I'm fine" I remind her, anger at the memories filling my blood. "Now can we just get this done as soon as possible so that we don't have to deal with this?" I offered.

"Sound perfect to me!" She snapped back.


"Great!" With that we both fell silent, going to work and carefully sorting the dangerous devices made by my adoptive parents. I lifted a small metal ball of some sort out of the large cardboard box to inspect it for any possible danger or use.

"What's that?" Emily looked over as I had stopped working to look at the device I held in my hand.

"I don't know" I held it up more until it started to rise on its own. "Emily, get down!" I shouted the orders, tackling my friend to the ground as a pulse was sent out. I rolled off of her and laid my head on the ground to recover for a moment, blowing the loose brown locks of hair out of my face.

"Woah" I head an unfamiliar male voice sound out. I had quickly jumped to my feet, grabbing the closest weapon from one of the boxes and aiming it at the the three teens before me.

Question of the day: who do you think was talking at the end? And what do you think their role will be? (Best friend, enemy, etc.)

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