Chapter 20

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"Thea!" Zachary yelled, fist pounding on the door. "Guys we have a problem, Thea was just locked in a room with about a dozen bad guys" he commed the rest of the team with worry filling his voice.

"We have our asset, we can come back for her later" Sage told him sternly.

"No! I'm not just going to leave her in there to die!" he argued with rage at the thought that they would leave me.

Meanwhile I had been fighting off all of the men inside the locked room. I had swung to kick one when he ducked at the last second, leaving me to kick the object on the table. The men's eyes widened in fear as they tried to escape brutally. I looked down at my arms as they became quickly encased in a rock type substance. I gasped before my face was covered and I was cut off from the outside world.

Everything went black.

That's all I could remember.

"Thea, wake up!" Zachary shook me as he stood above me.

"What?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes at the light coming in.

"I got her, we are coming out now!" He reported to the team. I looked around with confusion, noting the rock pieces surrounding me on the ground.

"What happened?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing but it seems you don't know. Let's get you back to the plane" he helped me to my feet and let me use him as a crutch much to my protest. The two of us hobbled out as quickly as we could to get back to the jet waiting for us outside.

"Thea! What happened?" Emily rushed to my side as we started up the ramp into the cargo hold.

"She doesn't remember" Zachary explained, walking me into the lab where he set me down in my chair.

"What do you mean she doesn't remember?" Emily questioned with frustration toward him.

"I don't know! But she said she doesn't remember. Now let's calm down and help her out" Zachary lowered his voice from me as my head spun around. "She was locked in the room and a few minutes later when I found her she was broken out of some sort of rock and the men were all encased in the rock as well" he explained to the team.

"You said rock?" Flint questioned, his curiosity peeked.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Do you think she is—" Flint started to ask Emily.

"No, she can't be" Emily cut off his thoughts.

"But it will take some time for her to realize" he continued to brainstorm.

"Guys!" Charlie broke them out of their thoughts as I had collapsed out of the chair and fell to the cool floor.

"That can't be normal" Emily noted carefully.

"You'd be surprised" Flint shrugged.

"Let's just get her back to base and figure this all out later" Emily helped me onto the table to lay down while we flew home.


"Hey Daisy" Flint joined the fellow inhuman in the living room.

"Hey Flint, what's up?"

"You used to help inhumans learn their powers right?" He sat beside her.

"Yes, but you've already trained with your powers so where are you going with this?"

"I think Thea might be an inhuman"

"Where would you get that idea?" Daisy asked him for proof and evidence.

"Well Zach described her as broken out of a rock encasing when he found her on our last mission. Only inhumans survive that" he explained his reasoning to the older agent.

"Alright, I'll have a talk with her" she agreed, standing up and walking out. "But don't tell anyone else" Daisy pointed back in before she finally left to find me.

Question of the day: do you think Thea might me an inhuman? And what would her powers be?

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