Chapter 14

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"I was thinking and if you wanted I am willing to answer some of your questions"

"Really?" He cheers with excitement. I nodded in response and he was practically jumping for joy. "Right now?"

"No not now" I laughed at his enthusiasm. "It's late enough as it is and you need some rest, doctor orders. But tomorrow should work fine"

"See you then" he waved as I turned into my room.


"Rise and shine sleepy head" Zachary knocks on my door the next morning with a cheery smile. "Oh your already awake" he notes with surprise.

"I've been awake since 5 am" I tell him with a shrug. He sits down by my desk with eagerness flowing through his whole body.

"My first question now is, do you ever sleep?"

"Yes, just not well"

"Okay, so I can ask you whatever I want and you'll answer it?" He clarified.

"Yes Zachary, now can we just get this over with" I let out a sigh.

"Right. What's midnight oil? And why did you react that way to reading about it?" He starts off with caution.

"I think this story is going to answer lots of your questions" I tell him.


"Because it's my whole life story"

"Oh" he sits back a bit and waits for me to start. I sucked in a deep breath before starting the story of my life again.

"No, you can't take her! She's just a child!" I woke up to a woman shouting from just the next room over. I pulled back the soft pink bedsheets that had kept me warm through the night and slipped out of my bed. My socked feet padded across the wooden floors of the apartment until I reached the entrance to the living room where the yelling was coming from. Peaking my green eyes enough to see,  I noticed an unfamiliar man and woman standing next to a couple.

"Momma? Dada?" My small voice croaked out in fear from my hiding spot, revealing my presence to the unknown duo.

"Go back to your room sweetheart" the woman I had called momma told me with a sternness in her tone and fear in her eyes for me.

"Get her" the other woman ordered the man without eyes. I blinked and suddenly he was in front of me as if it was magic. He grabbed a hold of me roughly, lifting me off the ground as I kicked and screamed, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Momma!" I cried out for help. When I met her eyes the life was draining from them by the second, the other female holding a strong grip onto her wrist. The woman's dark hair was falling into her face as she drained the life of my mother.

"What the—" the other man starts as a gas leaks under the door. Screams and cry's sounded out from throughout the building, panic filling everyone in the apartment.

"Leave her, we need to go!" The woman shouted again to the man holding you. With a thud I fell to the floor, the two intruders now missing. The smoke filled the room and I sat in fear on the floor.

"Momma?" I questioned the woman as she growled and closed in on me. I let out a scream and raced to my room, locking the door behind me as I curled up in my pink bed once again.

It's all a dream, it's just a very bad dream I repeatedly told myself.

"In here!" A female voice calls out as my eyes peak open above the blanket. A dark haired woman entered the room after the door was thrown off its hinges. She reminded me of the mystery woman who intruded and tried to take me earlier. I sat back in fear, keeping myself as hidden as possible.

"A girl?" A man questions as he runs in behind her to come to a haunt at the sight. "Simmons!" He calls out to wards the living room. Then I blacked out again. My sight faded in and out, voices of people screaming for help filled my head as blood was filtered into my body through a tube.

My vision cut out again and the next time I woke up I was in a bedroom.

"Good morning" a British accent woke me up gently, easing me into the new space. I looked to find a woman with long brown hair standing before me with a smile. "I'm Jemma Simmons" I shuffled back a bit in fear. "I'm not going to hurt you" she promised, holding out a hand as a peace offering.

"Where are my momma and dada?"

"There was a bad thing that happened and they didn't survive" a Scottish man spoke up from beside her.

"Fitz!" She scolded.

"Who is going to protect me?" I cut them off from their rambling argument. The two scientists turned to face me and froze in place.

"Well, we work for an organization called SHIELD" the woman started.

"And you can stay with us here where we will all protect you" the man continued for her.

Question of the day: what did you think of Jemma and Fitz taking her in and adopting her?

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