Chapter 17

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"You gonna be okay here?" Zachary turned to me as the others filed out.

"Yeah" I looked to him as if he was crazy for asking.

"Try not to miss me too much!" He called before running off to the hanger with a large smile. I rolled my eyes and groaned as I turned back to my work at the computer terminal and looking through old boxes of SHIELD files.

"What was that about?" Emily questioned with a smirk.

"I think Zach likes her" Sage sings happily.

"No, he doesn't" I immediately disagree with her statement.

"Whatever you say, but I know how he is around girls and trust me when I say that he likes you"


"Hey boys we got a location" I reported after a few hours of research.

"Thea, we found him too. We are currently at his house" Flint told us.

"We are going in" Zachary cut in.

"No, don't go in yet!" I shouted the orders at them. The com went silent as us girls looked to each other in fear, not knowing what to do.

"Thea, we need backup!" Flint called after a few moments of silence from their end. Emily and I shot each other worried looks before I started shouting out orders to everyone around.

"Emily, Sage, gear up I'll get the jet ready and we leave in 5 minutes."

"Let's go" Emily said as her and Sage took their seats on the Quinn jet. I lifted off and followed the coordinates to their location. "You coming Thea?" Emily asked after we landed and stood to go in.

"Yeah I'll come in" I nod, taking a gun and following them out.

"What are we waiting for?" Sage questioned as we stood outside.

"There's got to be another way in" I started to walk around the perimeter. "Here!" I pointed up to a window that was cracked open.

"I'll give you a lift" Emily cupped her hands beneath me and helped me inside the window before the other two joined.

"Charlie, where's Zach?" Sage panicked as she found her friend.

"Down there" the curly haired brunette pointed to where Zachary faced the doctor head on. The man below wore a mask that had haunted my nightmares, making his face unrecognizable.

"Get out of here"

"What?" Flint questioned.

"Go! Now!" I ordered.

"No we can't leave you" Emily argued.

"You have to. I'll go get Zachary and we will meet you outside." The others reluctantly snuck out the way we had came in while I watched the scene and planned my next step. "Zachary? Come in" I said through comms. He looked around slightly and I knew that he had heard me. "I need to you listen carefully and follow my orders"

"What makes you think I wouldn't follow orders? And what are you doing here?" He questioned quiet enough that the masked man couldn't hear him.

"There's no point in wasting this gas on you but I'm not letting you go that easily" the doctor threatened the boy ahead of him. The masked villain raised his hand that was holding a gun and aimed it to the boy.

"Stop!" I jumped down from the top and rolled to stand behind him, pulling my gun to aim at the doctors head. "Lower your weapon" I slowly circled my way to stand in front of Zachary protectively.

"Thea" Zachary started in a warning tone.


"Hello miss Thea Anderson"

Question of the day: who do you think the man they are fighting is?

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