Chapter 23

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I was attempting to train back at the base after my wrist had healed when a sudden headache took over. My body felt weak and as if I wasn't even in my own body until a pain surged through me and I cried out.

"Please make it stop!" I screamed out from the training room. Voices filled my head, memory's of the pain I had endured over the years, all of my pain coming back to haunt me.

"Yeah so that's why—" Emily started to explain something to Zachary when they heard my voice scream out.

"Thea!" They both gasped before rushing to find me in the base.

"Thea, hey hey it me it's Zachary" he tried to calm me down, rushing to my side and holding me close as I cried on the floor. "Your gonna be okay" he promised, brushing my hair out of my face. "Emily go get Simmons!" He ordered her before turning his attention back to me. I opened my eyes finally settling back to reality when I saw Simmons rushing to me this time, she injected a needle into me and my eyes drooped closed again.

"What's going on?" Daisy entered the lab to find Simmons running tests and Emily and Zach standing around worried. "Simmons?"

"She's an inhuman that's for sure. But we don't know what her powers are or when she got them" the doctor of the original team began to explain.

"She got them three weeks ago on the mission where she blacked out" Daisy explained calmly and quietly.

"What? How did you know?" Zachary began to grow angry with her because she didn't tell anyone.

"She made me promise not to tell anyone and we had been training it since then, but I didn't know the extent of her powers or how dangerous they could be to her" Daisy defended herself.

"Of course you didn't know it would hurt her because you didn't talk to me about it" Jemma snapped before sighing in frustration and hiding her face in her hands. "Do you know her ability's?"

"Something about manipulation I think, she described it as she can see visions of the past and maybe the future and they are all like nightmares."

"So she can see the future?" Emily questioned.

"She's the cavalry right?" Zachary questioned earning three nods from the women. "In her future file that I read I'm pretty sure it mentioned something about her having darkness manipulation. The most dangerous power in the world at that time was darkness manipulation, they were so afraid of it that they locked up any inhumans and kept them from everyone else." he tells the group who all looked down to me in fear, not even wondering what was happening in the future they came from or who was taking in all the inhumans.

"Alright, everybody out, now!" Simmons ordered in a stern voice at the news.
The others rushed out and waited as Simmons took me to a quarantine cell to prevent me from hurting anyone.


"Jemma?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes. "My head hurts" I complained softly.

"I know darling" she sighed as she stood on the other side of a glass wall.

"Where am I? Why am I in a cell?" I stood to look at her and took note of the tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Thea. Your powers are too dangerous right now and we need to keep you safe in here until we learn more about them" she explained with sadness evident in her tone.

"You mean to keep others safe from me" I turned around. "Well this all makes sense as to why danger always seems to find me" I sighed, sitting down and burring my head between my knees that were pulled up to my chest.

"Thea" Jemma started again but sighed knowing there was nothing she could say to make me feel better. "Press the button if you need anything" she instructed before walking out again and leaving me in the dark cell all alone.


"Hey Thea!" Zachary cheered as he entered the room I was in.

"Go away" I groaned at the cheery voice.

"You know you have a bed you can sit on" he reminded as I sat on the floor, ignoring my pleads for him to leave. I simply shot him a look and he raised his hands in defence. "I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now but I brought you something" he smiled proudly, walking over to place it in the box. I opened it up and gave him a small smile as I held my favourite book that my parents read to me when I was growing up.

"How'd you-?" I started to ask but he answered before I could finish.

"Fitz told me" he shrugged as if it was nothing.

"Thank you" I told him genuinely.

"I know what it's like to be locked up Thea, I know how difficult this is for you" he told me. "In the future they took all three of us and many more into a training camp, said they were here to help us but really it was just Hydra taking over the youngest of our time. They took every kid to test if they were inhumans because the thought scared them but those who weren't I humans were trained to fight alongside Hydra to take down all inhumans" He explained his backstory from the future.

"I never knew"

"We never told anyone." He looked down. "That's how we ended up here, SHIELD was destroyed and Hydra took over, when we escaped I came in search of SHIELD and found the old base. I convinced the others to come inside with me when I felt pulled towards the device that teleported us to you and Emily"

Question of the day: what do you think of what Hydra did in the future?

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