Chapter 34

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One year later

"The boss is gone, has been for a year, why are we still doing this?" One man asked the others.

"Because this will save the world" another claimed, continuing to work on the bomb.

"That's what he told us but what if he was wrong I mean a girl died trying to stop him" another one started "maybe we arent the good guys after all"

"The boss put me in change and as long as I am living we will deliver this weapon and complete my brothers life work!" The new man in charge shouted over the others. "If anyone is questioning their loyalty they can come talk to me" he threatened sinisterly. The room fell silent as the doctors and agents all nodded in agreance before moving back to working on the large gas bomb. "Good" he nodded.


"We got a location of the bomb"May started the meeting as everyone gathered around the command center. "Flint" she presented him forward to fill everyone in.

"Dr Smith had a brother who had been continuing his work after...Thea killed his brother" Flint started as the mood of the room dropped even more at the mention of the fallen agent. "They have used the blood that had been taken from Thea and created a dangerous chemical which they are planning on bombing America with soon. We don't have an exact timeline but we have to move fast"

"We are going in teams" May took over again to give them each their rolls. "Fitzsimmons, Bobbi and Daisy will go and find the bomb and disarm it. The rest of us will take out anyone inside. You know your jobs now let's go, wheels up in 10" with those words everyone set off to work, gearing up and preparing to avenge the fallen agent who had been lost a year ago.

"Are you ready for this mission?" Emily stepped into zacharys room as she voiced her question to the broken boy who sat on his bed staring at the floor.

"Let's go stop this gas and destroy it for good, for Thea" he stated, standing to his feet with determination.

"For Thea" Emily repeated. The pair met up with the rest of their team, all of the, walking into the mission together. The plane ride to the base was silent, nobody daring to speak as they were all focused on the task at hand.

"ETA 5 minutes" May announced over the speakers as everyone stood to get ready to go in. The group of teens stood together on the ramp, prepared to fight for their friend.

"For Thea" Zachary whispered to himself.

"For Thea" Flint placed a hand on his shoulder.

"For Thea" the others joined in. The ramp lowered and they all looked out at the snowy terrain.

"I know this place" Zachary gasped at the realization. "This is where Thea saved me when I was kidnapped. This is where they took her blood"

"We better move fast" Flint reminded, seeing guards rush around outside. The group rushed out of the plane, sneaking around until they got closer to the base. Sage set a bomb to the door and it blew open the entrance for them to get inside and take down the nightmare once and for all.

"Zach, you cover the lab" Flint shouted the orders to him and Zach was gone in a flash, doing whatever it took to make sure this mission was successful. He turned the corner to find a man escaping the lab.

"Hey! Stop!" Zachary chased after him, gun raised but the man sprinted faster and reached the hanger where Sage and Charlie were covering the area.

"Zach, where are you going?" Charlie called after his friend who had followed the man onto a jet.

"Zach!" Sage worried, the door closing behind her friend.

"I've got the bomb" Zachary reported after a few minutes of radio silence.

"Good, now get out of there so that we can stop it" Emily gave the orders sternly.

"Woah, we've got a problem!" Charlie warned the group as the jet lifted off the ground and started to fly out of the snow covered base. Zachary stumbled around at the sudden disconnection with the ground.

"Zach, status?" Daisy requested over comms.

"I'm in the plane, but it's crawling with bad guys."

"You need to find a way out of there" Sage told him.

"I can't, I'm sorry"

"Zachary you can't do this!" Sage begged through comms as she watched her best friend fly away on the plane that held the bomb.

"I have to" he told them. "Thea died for this, I owe it to her that I save these people" he said. "Bye guys" he took out the comm link and tossed it aside, knowing it would distract him from the task at hand. "How do I defuse this bomb?" He asked himself quietly as no one knew he was on the plane yet.

"You there!" A man shouted before shooting at Zachary.

"Looks like I'll have to go onto plan b" he stated to himself, shooting back and running through the plane. Once he entered the cockpit he knocked out the pilot and took the controls. "I'm coming Thea" we're his last words before he pulled a grenade pin, flying higher and higher as the bomb and plane exploded into a fiery cloud of gas.


"I always knew you couldn't leave me alone, but I never thought we'd meet again like this" I commented, looking up at Zachary as he looked around in confusion.

"Thea?" He held my face in his hands before leaning in for a passionate kiss. "God, I missed you"

Question of the day: what was your favourite part of this book?

That's the end of the story! I hope you all enjoyed it and share it with others. I have many other story's that I'm currently working on writing and I also recommend reading my story The Third Maximoff which is about the read who is Wanda and Pietros sibling.

Once again, thank you for reading this story and have a great day!

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