Chapter 30

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"Zachary?" My eyes fluttered open to find him sleeping in the chair beside me, head resting on the bed. I smiled slightly before remembering what happened to us both. I nudged him slightly to wake him up as I needed to talk to him.

"Thea!" He cheered, making me wince at how loud he was. "Sorry" he said softer with a sheepish smile.

"That's fine" I told him. "What's going on?" I asked for an update immediately.

"The scientists that I took back with us has offered to help the team" he explained.

"I don't trust him" I stated, looking down.

"I know he hurt you and trust me I wanted to kill him as soon as I found him but we both know that we need him if we are going to stop this madness."

"I know"

"Good, now get some rest. The team is talking with him now"

"I want to be there" I told him with determination.

"Thea, you can't just get up. You are on bed rest" he scolded as I sat myself up.

"Are you going to help me or are you going to waste time arguing?"

"I'll help" he sighed in defeat, helping me to stand and getting me a change of clothes.

"Thea, you shouldn't be out here" Emily gasped at the sight of me up and walking.

"I'm fine" I waved her off as I leaned against the bar in the command room. "What does you leader want from me?" I questioned the scientist with a cold tone that made the others shiver.

"Well they wanted this pretty little lady captured, because she is the only one who can stop the scientist, she is the only one who truely knows how serious this is" the scientist he began evilly. "All they wanted was some samples of her blood to use her powers to make the nightmares more severe" he continued with their evil plan.

"Touch her and I'll kill you" Zachary snapped at the man. I quickly made my way out of the room, having heard too much for just waking up and adjusting.

"Thea" Emily started but Zachary pushed past her and followed me out into the hallway instead.

"Hey, your alright" he stated, gently as a reminder.

"What he said in there, about me being the only one who could stop him, I don't think that's true" I started, pacing back and fourth. "And now that they have my blood they can make these bombs so much worse than they already were" I continued to worry. "And the nightmares that I have, my powers, they are too dangerous to be in the hands of someone so evil. I would never wish these horrors on anybody"

"That's not your fault" he tried to calm me down some more. "How about we don't think about any of this tonight, you have over worked yourself and deserve a break" he told me gently.

"I can't exactly take a vacation" I looked up at him.

"No but we can always have a movie night" he suggested with a small smile. "You go put some pyjamas on while I go get the others and find a movie" he pointed before rushing through the base.

He gathered the team in the common room after returning the scientist to his cell. Everyone relaxed for once, forgetting our problems and laughing as we ate popcorn and watched Star Wars Rouge One.

"This is my favourite part" I told Zachary as I pointed to the screen. He watched intently as a breathing was heard in the dark before a red light lit up the hall and showed Darth Vader.

"Wow" he gasped from beside me.

"Cool right?"

"So cool!" He cheered back.

Question of the day: have you ever watched Star Wars? If so, what's your favourite Star Wars movie?

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