Chapter 07

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"Some other people are here now, Flint told me to come get you two" Sage knocks on the door.

"You ready?" Emily looked to me softly, her arm wrapped around my tense shoulders.

"Yeah, I think so" I stood to my feet.

"Are you okay?" Sage questioned with genuine concern.

"Yeah" I simply nodded to the kind girl.

"Where is she?" A Scottish voice called out as he exited the Quinn jet.

"There!" Jemma pointed as she rushed to pull me into a hug. I quickly flinched at the contact which did not go unnoticed by Zachary and Emily.

"Is she—" Zachary starts to question Emily.

"Stop!" She cut him off immediately.

"Where's our little trouble maker?" Hunter smiled proudly as Bobbi shook her head.

"Technically Thea was the trouble maker, I was just backing her up" Emily claims.

"Yeah, getting into a fight doesn't sound like something Thea would do and neither does bringing three kids from the future to the base" Fitz started.

"What do you mean? She was one of the most skilled fighters" Daisy starts as Jemma gives her  a warning look. "Right, sorry" Daisy backs off for a moment.

"Will somebody tell us what's going on?" Zachary spoke up, stopping the reunion and bringing the attention back to the problem at stake.

"You must be one of the future kids" Coulson stepped forward with authority.

"The names Zach, that's Sage and Charlie" he pointed to his friends who stood next to him.

"Well Zach we will be working to get you back home or shall I say you will be working to get back home"

"Your just going to leave us to fix this on our own?" He seemed shocked at the idea.

"You will work on a team with Emily, Flint and Thea" Coulson stated as my jaw fell open at his words.

"What? No! I made a deal that I would continue through the academy if I didn't have to go back into the field again!" I started to rage at the director of shield.

"Thea, please" Jemma held me back gently.

"No! I'm not going back in the field, not after what happened last time!" I storm off from the group once more.

Question of the day: what do you think happened the last time she was in the field?

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