Chapter 08

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"Hey kid" May followed me to where I was sat on the floor in the corridor. "I've been in your position before, being called back into the field after a traumatic mission. My best advice for you is to join the team, become a scientist like your parents and avoid the field work" she suggested gently, which was odd for May but given our shared experiences she always treated me differently.

"But I'm scared" I looked to her with teary eyes.

"I didn't train you to be scared, I trained you to be a strong and smart agent" she held out a hand. "Come on, you'll have your friends there to protect you" I took her hand hesitantly and she helped me to my feet. "Let's make a deal, you join the team and I'll run your missions and fly the plane."

"Deal" I shook her hand before we joined the others in the control room.

"Everything alright?" Coulson questioned as we both entered with stone cold faces.

"I'll join your team" I stated, expression not changing.

"Are you sure?" Jemma questioned with worry for her daughter. I gave her a sturdy nod to answer her question in the simplest way possible.

"As I was explaining before, you will all move into the base today. FitzSimmons will gather supplies for you three" Coulson nodded to the future kids. "And May will escort you kids back to the academy to pick up your things while the rest of us will set up the base for you to live in." Coulson finished his orders. We all nodded and took of in different directions, going where we were directed.

"Uh Thea! Where are you going?" Zachary chased after me as I walked off with May and my friends.

"We are going back to the academy to pack up our dorm, you are going to wait here until FitzSimmons return. Maybe you can make yourself useful here with clean up" with those orders I turned on my heel and ran to catch up to the others on the Quinn jet.

"Ready?" May asked as we all strapped in.

"Ready!" I called up to her.


"I'm gonna miss this place." Emily zips up her final bag as she take a look around the room.

"I'm not" I throw my bag over my shoulder and head towards the door quickly, not wanting to spend another moment there.

"Ready to go?" May questions as we all marched back onto the Quinn jet.

"Let's get out of here" I sighed, dropping my bag to the floor earning a look from Flint before Emily shrugged him off.


"Rise and shine!" May's stoic voice calls over the announcements through the base. I groaned, rolling out of bed and getting ready for the day. I pulled on my grey long sleeved shirt and a pair of black jeans before pulling my hair back into a ponytail and walking out.

"What's going on?" Zachary stumbled into the hall as a panicked Charlie followed him.

"Don't know yet, come on" I start off towards the control room calmly where we find the others waiting.

"Good morning Thea" Emily smiles as I move to stand next to her, leaning back against the bars.

"Yeah what a great morning" I sigh.

"You get any sleep last night?"

"About three hours" I answered, not looking at my worried friend.

"Alright kids, this morning we have your first mission." May starts the debriefing immediately. "There is a Hydra base just outside of New York. Our mission is to go in and take any information that we can and take down the base" she reports. "Go get ready, wheels up in ten" she announced and with that we all moved to leave as the three future kids stood in confusion.

"Excuse me, what exactly are we supposed to do?" Sage questioned for them.

"Gear up, make your way to the plane and prepare for take off." Emily answers simply, walking off to do so herself.

"And you might want to get dressed" I walk past Zachary as I take in his sweatpants and tee shirt that he slept in.

"Hey!" He calls after me, chasing to catch up as I made my way down the hall to my quarters. "Where are you going?"

"To get my go bag" I reply, not looking over at him.

"Your what?"

"My go bag, you know the bag that is ready for when we have to go"

"Oh okay" he nods along as I enter my room. "Woah wait!" He catches the door before it closes behind you.

"What?" I turn around and snap at him.

"I uh"

"I'll see you on the plane, I have to go set up" I tossed my bag over my shoulder and walked past him towards the hager.

"Hey, do you know where we are supposed to go from here?" Zachary and the other future kids questioned as they walked up the ramp of the cargo hold.

"Flint can show you" I speak up as I walked past them carrying a large box of supplies into the lab.

"What am I doing now?" He walked down the spiral staircase as I spoke his name.

"Showing us where to go" Sage told him.

"Ah, right this way" he lead them upstairs again.

"I'll catch up with you later!" Zachary waved them off as he followed you into the lab. "Need any help?"


"Come on, I'm sure there is something that I can help with" he urged as I wasn't paying any attention to him.

"I said no, now get out of my lab" I snapped, turning to face him as he stood in the entryway.

"Fine, alright, I'm leaving" he called out loudly to make it known. "She's in a bad mood" Zachary pointed behind him towards the lab as he bumped into Emily on her way inside.

"I'll take my chances" she waves him off as he went upstairs to settle in.

"Lift off in two minutes!" May called over the announcements.

"Come on Thea let's go get strapped in" Emily dragged me out of the lab after I secured the last of my equipment.

"Nice of you to join us" Zachary commented as we all sat beside each other in the living area. I simply glared at him as he smirked at my annoyance, causing me to roll my eyes at his actions.

Question of the day: what are your thoughts on the kids being in their own team?

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