Chapter Twenty Three

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"Jannah is surrounded by hardships and Jahannam is surrounded by temptations." Unknown.

"But as for him who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires and lust, verily paradise will be his adobe." Quran; suratul nazi'at 40-41

Allah is indeed the most merciful,
My dear brothers and sisters lets not give in to temptations, nothing in this world is worth going to hell.
May Rabbil-Izzah forgive us all.

Hammannurs pov

Indeed anger can get the best of us, which is why it is never safe to let your anger rule your emotions.

I am not even trying to say that my dad is regretting divorcing my mum, however he admitted that his anger got the best of him at that moment,

And so that is why you should never make a decision while angry.

I haven't heard from my mum since that incident which is almost a month ago, she left the house leaving us with no clues and she switched off her phone.

I think i miss her.

I've been trying to call her for the past three minutes now- but it goes straight to her voicemail, i sigh putting my phone back in my pocket.

She might not be the perfect mother, but she is still a mother to me,

"Hammannur get ready," Muhammad, our coach 'almost' ordered me and i resist the urge to roll my eyes at him.

We've been here in race course for the past thirty minutes, Shehu and Mubarak started practicing, me, our coach and Mus'ab are watching them play- well i was thinking.

I stood up after wearing my boots and hop on my favorite horse, Spirit.

I whip the white horse and it start running, leaving Mus'ab behind,

I am gonna practice with him, i do not even get Muhammads logic of splitting us, we're playing together during the tournament.

And by the way the tournament is in two weeks in shaa Allah, it will take place in Abuja.

To some extent i can't wait, i am in desperate need of change of environment, i am taking my wife with,

And oh that woman is gorgeous.


My sister looks extremely tired, i almost laugh at her.

"You look tired," I tell her, "Really? Captain obvious," She roll her eyes at me and i chuckle, she is so cute.

"Here," She pass me a bowl of soup, her signature soup that i probably came here specifically for it.

"Thanks Amalii," A wide smile grace my lips as i devour the tasty heaven.

Few minutes and an empty bowl later Salim came back from work.

"Hey hubs," Amal walk to her husband, who is standing by the dining area. "Hey wifey," He kiss her forehead.

"Hey are you aware that i am her brother? And you're not suppose to do that in my presence?" I shake my head at an amused looking Salim.

"I am sorry brother in law, but last time i checked you're in my house," And he punch me.

"Just go away." I said and we all burst out laughing, the guy or both of them are too stupid for my liking.

My sister hit her head on the doorframe 'cause she was laughing too hard, dramatic much.

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