Chapter Seventeen

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Call upon Allah when;
'You are sad.' Al-taubah; 9:51
'You are depressed.' Ar-Rad: 13:28
'You have sinned.' Az-Zumar 39:53

Allah is Al-Sami'i(The listener)
Wallahi you're never too late to ask for forgiveness and help from Allah.
He is Ar-Rahman❤️

Hammannurs pov

Happiness radiates from every corner of this environment.

A huge grin on my friends face since a week ago i guess, and the smile hasn't flattered yet, in fact it is wider today.

A contagious smile if you ask me, 'cause almost all the people here are smiling, including me.

I exit the over crowded mosque and the groom follow suit,

I pat his shoulder and he hugs me: "Mahmoud.." He starts in a whisper.

I pull away: "I'll deny you if you cry," I tease and he playfully smack my arm with tears filled in his eyes.

I give him a look that says 'don't let those tears fall'

"I can't help it, i am so happy." He utters with an almost crack voice, indeed we'd have regretted not allowing him to marry this girl.

Oh yes, they literally just got the knot tied, and as you can tell the lad is over the moon, he doesn't even know what to do.

I am so happy for them, May Allah bless their union, Amin.

"I'm happy you're happy," I wink at him, "Okay, what is going on here?" Imran questions confusedly.

"Hush-" I shoo him away, "May Allah bless you and your new family Shehu," I slap my friends shoulder.

"Amin Mahmoud, thank you."

"Y'all too moist, and it is gross." Says Imran as he walks away from us.

I shake my head; "Don't mind him,"

"Anyways marriage is all about compromise, tolerance and patience, and of course your married life should be private, you need not to be telling people about what happened between you and your wife.
I know how much you both love each other but fam a rollercoaster ride is what awaits you in your matrimonial home," I advice,

"And of course you have Allah, trust Him." I pat his shoulder with a smile on my face.

"You got it Hammannur, thank you very much, i won't disappoint i promise." He has a smile plaster on his lips.

"Anyti-" I start when a bunch of people emerge from the mosque.

His immediate family, my family and tons of his and my friends are here even our coach- Muhammad is here.

Congratulating him and wishing him luck.


"We're traveling to Italy next we-"

"What did baba say?"

"He will know sooner or later," She shrugs.

"Secret Hamma," Johara adds with her index finger place on her mouth, did she forget we once had the conversation over dinner?

I let out a chuckle: "I still do not know what the secret is about." I go with her flow.

"We're going on a vaca-"

"You won't keep quiet will you?" Her twin raise his hands in frustration. "Don't ever trust her with your secret,"

Johara just shrug: "We are going on a vacation to Italy." And i just wink at her, i mean boss man sent our ticket two days ago.

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