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Nice and calming windy day was the geologist reported last night but today wasn't exactly like that.

It was kind of rough day for you. Chifuyu got some messages from his friend, Baji, that someone is finally back. And do you know who is it?

It's Kazutora, Hanemiya Kazutora.

He was finally out of juvie, his sentence has ended. He didn't do anything to last with juvie for years because of what happened on october 31, the Bloody Halloween.

As of now, here you are, facing Kazutora. He was staring at you, like he can see your soul. "You're L/N Y/N, right?" he utter.

You look around, seeing that Baji, Chifuyu, Mikey, Takemicchi and Draken can only stand on the side.

Mikey doesn't giving too much positive energy after seeing his friend, and Toman's founding member. The memories of Kazutora killing his brother still wasn't washed away, but then... he was glad that Kazutora was finally bailed out of that prison.

You look to Kazutora again with cat eyes. "Who are you again?" you whisper, totally confused about his identity.

He smiles and hold out his hands for a handshake. "I'm Hanemiya Kazutora. Sorry for not introducing myself."

You take his hand, shaking it gently. "L/N Y/N. It's nice to sew- I mean see you."

He chuckle, placing his left hand behind him as he pulled your hand to his lips and lean a kind kiss on it. "It's nice to meet you again, Y/N-nim!"

"Baji-san, please stop me." Chifuyu said, raising his right arm, just for Baji to stop him.

"Okay- Ohh right! Takemicchi, wanna go for ramen later?!" Takemicchi nod awkwardly, making Baji grin happily, completely ignoring Chifuyu because he might die along with Kazutora. "You're going to pay, 'kay?!"

As Chifuyu walk towards Kazutora and grab the collar of his shirt. "How dare you kiss her hand like that!"

"Heh? It's not big deal though! It's just a simple—"

"Shuddap! It's a big deal, you stupid banana tree! Y/N-san hate touchy touchy things!" an irk mark grew on Kazutora's forehead as he glare at Chifuyu. "Who the hell you were calling banana tree, you stray cat?!"

"I'm not a stray cat!!"

And with that, your tough day started. As of now, you were currently talking with Mikey about something, Draken would sometimes butt in for his opinion.

While Baji, he was ranting about how hungry he is, as Takemicchi was trying to stop him from burning some random cars.

And Chifuyu was still bickering with Kazutora, they're insulting each other with some curse from spell books.

Just as you were about to say another sentence to Mikey, you heard a loud shout of deep masculine voice from behind, as you flinched a little.

"Y/N-san! This is urgent, we have to go to Yokohama. Now! As in now!" Tadashi said as he drag you away from Mikey and the others. Pushing you inside of the car Finral driving, as Grell wave his hand widely at Baji with a flirty wink.

"Bye bye, Y/N-shin!" Mikey bud his farewell at you, waving his right hand. His smile fade when the car wasn't on his sight anymore. "Yokohama, huh..."



"What urgent thing again, Tadashi? I've told you that I'm not under your guidance today." you kick his legs slightly, that he could not even feel.

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