Chapter 20

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The two days flew by. Alice, Gart, Fie and Micah practiced their fighting, only taking breaks for food and sleep. The twins had progressed a lot in those few days, but they were still shaky and still had a ways to go. But they could hold their own and maybe, just maybe overpower their opponent.

Calix stayed with them. She didn't risk going back to the palace incase she wasn't allowed back out or incase Ladomir was on to them. Alac was still bed-bound, he was healing- slowly- Calix was by his side a  lot, helping him.

The day they all had been waiting for arrived. It was the day that they would take back the kingdom. Everyone - expect Alac - was up early. Calix had gone to the market the day before yesterday and bought some fabric, she had made each person an outfit.

Alice wore a white long sleeved undershirt with a worn brown sash that she was using as a vest. She had a darker brown corset that held the sash in place. Her pants were also brown and her boots were knee length with the same color.

Gart wore an outfit similar to Alice. He had a white long sleeved undershirt and a mud colored vest. His pants and boots were the same color as Alice. Fie had opted to wear what he had brought with him. A black shirt and vest, with black pants and his boots.

Micah wore what Calix had made him. A shirt of his own and a vest like Gart's but black. He too wore knee length boots.

"Everyone ready?" Micah asked. He stood at the door, his hand on the knob. Everyone nodded. He slowly opened the door and they crept out into the darkness of the morning. They silently made their way to the palace, hiding in an alley every time they heard something. There weren't many guards on patrol.

Calix took the lead and led them to the servants entrance. Micah and Fie turned their backs on the group, each watching a different direction looking for anyone who might stop them. Calix pulled a ring key out of her pocket.

Jingle! Clack! Jingle!

The keys banged against each other, the noise echoing through the morning. "Sorry." Whispered Calix as her fingers quickly sped through the keys. Alice looked over her shoulder, her hands were shaking. Did anyone hear? She scanned the shadows, but she didn't she anyone.

"Aha!" Calix whisper-cheered. Everyone turned to look as she stuck the key inside, and... turned the key! She gave the door a gentle push and it swung open noiselessly. Everyone filed in and Calix locked the door behind them. "This is where we part." Alice said, her eyes turning sad.

"Yes, it is." Calix agreed.

"Bye." Alice hugged Calix. "Thank you for everything."

Gart hugged her next. "Thank you Calix."

Micah held out his hand. "It was nice meeting you and... uh... I hope to see you again."

"It was lovely meeting you." Calix told him, she grabbed his hand and then pulled him into a hug. Everyone turn to Fie.

"You don't have to say anything, just a hug?" Calix suggested. Fie nodded, not everyone saw it but there were tears in his eyes. He went over to her and they hugged each other tightly, Fie whispered something into her ear and her eyes filled with tears. When the finally let go Calix smiled at each of them. "Off to do my job, good luck." She walked down and into a hall, gone for now.

"Okay," Micah didn't miss a beat. "Fie lead the way, where will your father be right now?"

Fie wiped at his eyes. "Either in his room or the dining hall."

"What's the best bet?" Alice asked.

"Um, give me a minute." He turned his head and look at the ceiling. "Dining hall." He answered after a while.

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