Chapter 6

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Gart was standing in a cage that was surrounded by pure, empty blackness. Where was he? Just before he had been in his bed trying to sleep. He'd been thinking about the crowns and his father. What had his father been like? Would he have liked him?

Gart looked into the blackness and called out. "Hello? Anyone there?" He stood waiting for a reply.

"Hello Gart." Gart spun around and came face to face with the owner of the voice. On the other side of the bars was a boy about Gart's age. He had raven black hair that somehow stood out against the blackness, his eyes were the color of the bottom of the sea.

"Who are you?" Gart asked.

"That's not important."

"Than what is important?"

"Oh, nothing is really important, we just busy ourselves with tasks and call them important so we have a purpose in life." The boy looked at his nails then looked back at Gart and gave him a smile.

"Who are you and where are we?"

"Isn't there a more important question you should be asking?"

"Didn't you just saying nothing is important?" Gart fired at him.

"Touché. Well than, I'm a little surprised you haven't figured it out yet." The boy looked at Gart, waiting.

"Well.... the last thing I remember is lying in bed and..... Oh! We're in my dream aren't we?"

"Very good."

"So your just a figment of my imagination?"

"Oh, no. I am very real. I am Fie, son of... hmm, well to you he would be the one who defeated your father." Fie smiled at Gart's reaction. Gart felt like he couldn't keep the air in his lungs. Fie's face turned from a sneer to concern. "Hey, hey. Breathe, breathe." He cooed as Gart sank to his knees. When Gart could breathe again he whispered in a hoarse voice.

"I-I, why- how- um." Why couldn't he just ask the question? "How did you go from being all mean and brooding to helping me calm down?" Fie looked at his hands that rested in his lap.

"I don't want to hurt people...." Gart and Fie sat in silence for awhile. There was something comfortable about the quietness between them.

"Can you let me out of this cage? Please." Gart whispered. He didn't want to disrupt the quiet but he didn't want to stay in the cage either.

"I can't control your dream, I can only project myself into them." Gart nodded. He didn't know how to control his dreams, he didn't even understand what was happening right now. "Can you do me a favor?" Fie asked, standing now. Gart nodded. "Can you not tell anyone of me in your dream please?"

"Sure, but why?"

"I don't think your campions would enjoy you talking with the enemy."

"Your not the enemy, your dad is." Fie chuckled at that.

"They won't see it that way... I should go." Fie started to turn away but Gart jumped up and grabbed for his hand.

"Will you come back?" He asked, trying and failing to not show his hope.

"To your dreams?" Gart nodded. "Um, yeah, maybe." Gart felt his heart flutter at that and let Fie's hand go.

"Bye Fie."

"Goodbye Gart."


The next day the group set out at midday and traveled non-stop all through the day and most of the night. 

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