Chapter 5

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Alac ran into the twins in the market. He'd expected them to explore the town- he also expected trouble and was glad when there appeared to be none- so it was no surprise to find them at the market.

Together the three of them had walked back to the inn. The twins had been pounding him with questions about the box in his hand and each time he told them he would tell them when they got back.

Alac closed the door behind him and made sure it was locked. He went over to the window and closed the curtains. He spun around and found that Alice's room looked similar to his. He walked to the bed and set the box on it. "Come here children, I have something to tell you."

Alice and Gart went and sat on the bed, the box between them. "When the kingdom fell your father sent someone to this town with this box. The person sold the box to a pawn shop and told them that when someone said the correct phrase, they were the one to give the box to."

"What's in it?" Asked Gart.

"Your crowns." Alac answered simply. The twins eyes went wide.

"Can we see them?" They asked together.

"I wish you could but the key was lost and its to dangerous to smash it open." A wave of emotions entered Alac's voice. Alice and Gart looked at each other. A conversation with no words taking place between them. Finally Gart fished around in his bag and pulled out a key.

"Where did you get that?" Alac's voice was laced with surprise and curiosity. His eyes were as wide as saucers. 

"He found it at a stall where the vendor was selling keys." Alice answered for her brother.

"The key vendor?" Alac asked.

"A key vendor, what do you mean by the?" Alice asked.

"There's this tale of a person who collects lost keys and then sells them to people who need them." Alac held his hand out to Gart. "May I?" He asked gently. Gart looked at his open palm and placed the key in his hand gently. Alac ran his other hand over the key, a faraway look over took his face. "This is the right key."

"Can you open it?" Alice asked impatiently. Alac snapped out of his daze and looked between the twins.

"Why don't you two open it?" He suggested. He handed the key back to Gart and stepped back from the box. The twins crowded around the box. Alice held her breath as Gart slowly unlocked the box and lifted the lid.

Sitting side by side in the box were two different crowns. On the left side of the box sat a crown with silver branches intertwining. In the middle of the crown going top to bottom sat a river of midnight blue.

On the right side of the box sat a crown identical to the other. The difference was that this one radiated sunshine. Where on the other crown there is a river of midnight blue, this one has a river of bumblebee yellow.

Alice reached down and grabbed the crown with the blue gems, Gart followed her actions, grabbing the yellow one. 

Alac watched them as their motions matched. When Alice ran her hand down the side so did Gart. When Gart spun the crown slowly, looking carefully at it, so did Alice. "Why don't you try them on?" The twins heads popped up, looking as if they forget he was even there.

Slowly they faced each other. Having another of their silent conversations. After a moment they mirrored the other and slowly raised the crowns to their heads. When the crowns were in place they let their arms fall to their sides and smiled. "Wow." They breathed.

"You look amazing." Alice says to Gart. At the same time Gart says it to Alice.

"Now all you need is the right outfit and you'll look like royalty."  Alac added from his spot. "But its not time for that."

"Alac, can you tell us more about the prophecy?" Alice asked.

"Well, what do you already know?" He gestured for them to take the crowns off.

"We know that-" Alice placed her crown in the box-" twins were foretold to save it and that it was foretold around our birth, but I have same questions." She sat on the bed and when Gart was done putting his crown in the box and locking it he sat beside her.

"What are your questions?"

"Well for starters, how did Dad know when to send the crowns away? Or how did he know the kingdom would fall so soon?" Alice stopped for a breath. She was about to continue when Alac answered her questions.

"He knew because the man who told of this prophecy is famous for telling prophecies that are to happen soon. So your father wanted to be prepared. He also knew that the attack was coming when he heard his guards talking of the attack."

"His guards?" Alice grabbed her brother's hand.

"Yes, the man behind the attack was very influential, he spread word that your father had been corrupted."

"He didn't try to stop the rumors?"

"Your father never tried to tell people what to believe, so no. He let them believe the rumor and soon after the kingdom fell."

"He did nothing to stop it from falling?" Alice tried not to let anger slip into her voice but it seeped in heavily. How could her father just stand by and let the kingdom fall?

"He tried to fight back but in the end him and the few who still stood by him fell." Alac's voice was filled with memories. "I think that is enough of that topic," Alac wiped his eye. Was he crying? Alice wondered. "You have the rest of your day to yourselves. We will leave tomorrow at midday." Alac got up and left the room, letting the door swing shut softly.

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