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Auriella jolted awake, her entire body soaked in sweat.

She breathed heavily, putting her hand on her chest, feeling everything become a blur around her. Her teeth chattered, feeling her back aching and burning from being forced against the Cauldron.

But as she looked around her, she didn't recognize where she was.

At first, she believed herself to be back in the Dawn Court, resting on her bed. But now, she was under different covers, noticing the entire room decorated with color and painted flowers and vines on the walls. The smell of the room was delightful, like a whiff of dandelions and sunflowers had hit her at the same time.

She was in the Spring Court.

Auriella looked out the windows, seeing the rain beat against the glass. There was no sun, no clouds, or any birds in the sky. She was only able to see the gray sky and lighting rolling across it.

She moved her legs off of the bed, attempting to stand up. But when her toes barely touched the wood floor, Auriella sat back down, hissing at the pain that shocked her body. She became dizzy once more. It was as if the pain was too much to handle.

The Daughter of Dawn quickly snatched the glass of water that was on the nightstand, swallowing it all. She let the coolness of the liquid glide down her throat, feeling the chills creep up on her skin. She took a deep breath, attempting to stand on her own again.

And when she did, Auriella held onto the edge of the nightstand, whimpering from the pain that jolted through her. Her mind screamed for her to sit back down, but she didn't. She needed to know what was happening, feeling as if everything was crumbling around her.

As she limped towards the door, having one arm around her rib, she opened it to find an over capacitated hallway. There were people lined up against the walls, sitting and waiting. Children were asleep in their parents' arms and the elderly were resting across the floor.

It was as if her breath was taken all at once.

The people in the hallway stared at her, some of them rising to their feet to make room for her to pass through. Auriella slowly walked out of the room, not bothering to close the door behind her. If anyone wanted to take it, she would gladly let them.

She limped through the crowd, staring straight ahead. Normally, she would be the one to check on the people who made it out, catering to their needs.

But this time, Auriella felt as if something was off. Her heart sank to her stomach, but she couldn't figure out why.

Behind her, people muttered things she couldn't make out. She felt too vulnerable like this, especially in her weak state. Suddenly, it felt overwhelming like the space around her was closing in. She stopped in the middle of the crowd, taking a deep breath, praying to the spirits that she would not faint once again.

Beside her, a man, who appeared to be from the Day Court, offered his arm. Auriella gave him a small smile, accepting the gesture.

He led her down the crowded hall, right to where the guards were standing. The two men, who wore silver and green armor, nodded their heads once at the man, dismissing him.

Auriella looked up at the two guards, "What happened while I was out? Why am I in the Spring Court? Where is my family?" She asks, feeling the questions run through her mind.

The guards look at one another briefly before turning back to her, "Currently, the Spring Court and the Mortal Lands are taking survivors from every court. The Being has established control of almost all the entire continent. Before she could take the Spring Court, Valeria made a divide at the border of the Summer and Autumn Courts, separating us from the rest of Prythian."

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