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As all eyes were on her, Auriella walked down to Thesan's side, ignoring his hand that was still reached out.

She looked at the High Lords and their company, nodding her head at them, which they all returned. Her shadows shifted, brightened almost as if they were stunned that the High Lord of the Night Court was in front of them.

Helion cleared his throat, "Well, now that everyone is here, I suppose we are able to speak about why we are here?" He asks.

Thesan takes a deep breath, "I believe we all know why you both are here, Helion. So, why not let out everything that you want to say so we can get this over with?" He asks.

Rhysand chuckles, "If you wanted to get this over with, you should have accepted our five requests we sent you these past three years. Instead, you have ignored us, letting this drag on for longer than it should have." He says.

Auriella scoffs. Five requests to meet in three years? She wanted to scream at her father, but she kept her calm. She was curious as to why Helion and Rhysand came here and if she blew up in front of her father, it would be good for no one.

Thesan nods, bringing the glass of wine up to his mouth, "Well, you are here now, Rhysand. So, if you only came to argue, I suggest you leave my home before I make you." He says to them.

Helion rolls his eyes, "Enough, this isn't about us," he looks to the Children of Dawn, "This is about the Daughter and Son of Dawn." He says.

Thesan shifts in his seat. Auriella knew that he was not looking forward to this conversation, but she ached to have her questions answered. "My brother and I were hoping this day would come," she turned to her father, "where we would finally have answers," Auriella says.

Helion smirks, "Of course, Daughter of Dawn. We have some answers to your long-awaited questions. But we were hoping we could ask a few of our own." He turned to Damian, "Son of Dawn, do you know what you did on that field three years ago?" He asked.

Damian shrugs, "All I know was that a blast from the Cauldron threw me into the air. I landed a few feet away from my sister, went to retrieve my sword, and before I knew it... I was glowing. It was a power I had only seen by you. I never knew I had it until that moment." He explains.

Auriella always remembered that moment. It was like the sun had sent a ray of its power to her brother, making him glow on the field, blinding his enemies until he took them down with Wrathbringer. Combined with his training and experience, he was unstoppable to take down.

Her brother continues, "I was confused, but I had ignored it because I needed to make sure that my sister was okay. When I saw her," he turned to Auriella, "She was covered in a darkness I had never seen before. It swirled around her, even around her sword, as if it gave her power." He finishes.

Rhysand looks at Auriella, "You have never seen it before? The shadows, I mean. Have they ever appeared before the war, even in..." he trails off.

Auriella knew exactly what he meant. She shakes her head, "No, not Under the Mountain. I had... dreams about them. But they never appeared. I would have noticed and others would have too, including you." She tells him.

"Have you been training yourself?" Rhysand asks.

Auriella shrugs, "I have been training, but only with Soulender. I feel like that is the only reason why my shadows stay with me. It's because I'm trying." She tells him.

Helion nods, "The power of Day and Night are in the core of both of you. You have had no reason to utilize it because that is not what you are not assigned to do," he turns to Thesan, "Your children must start using their abilities if not, it could be dangerous for the both of them and you know it." He tells him.

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