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The Being stared at the Cauldron, watching as it slumbered under her gaze.

Even as it slept, she was able to feel its tethered power. It radiated through her, connecting with it in some way. She wanted to touch it, wondering what would happen when she awakened it once more.

The corrupted sisterhood stood behind their mistress, watching along with her.

Under the Mountain had become a dark and silent place, filled with piles of rocks and boulders at every corner of the throne room. The spiked crystal throne was nothing more than mere pieces now, destroyed from the rubble.

The skeleton of Amarantha stayed right where she was slain. The Being had looked down upon it, disappointed and unfazed. She wondered what Prythian would be like if the Deceiver had achieved her goal. She imagined the great power she would hold over everyone, commanding them as if they were dogs and not people.

The corpse was nothing but a reminder of what a failure the woman had become.

The Being walked around the sleeping Cauldron, looking down into the dark abyss. "It's time to awaken it once more." She says.

The sisterhood shifted, kneeling down, preparing for the reawakening. Their mistress briefly looked at them, seeing how they knew that it was time.

"Bryaxis!" The Being yelled.

The shadow slithered into the room, bringing along a gust of wind. Its darkness swirled throughout, stopping right at their mistress's feet. She touched it, feeling the scale-like skin underneath the palms of her hands. She was the only one who knew its true form. It had been her companion since the very beginning, finding her when it had no one to turn to. 

And now that it was time, she thought of nothing more important than this creature, knowing it would help her when the time came. 

"Once I reawaken the Cauldron, the plan sets into motion. The Child of Day and Night will fall into my hands. The rulers of the seven courts will not see what is coming to them. Soon, they will know who I am. They will know who they have crossed." She says.

She stands in front of the Cauldron, feeling the dark magic rumbling in her veins, begging to be set free. She had waited long for this moment and had sacrificed so much to get here. There were times when she didn't know if she would ever succeed, not knowing if she was worthy enough to wield this power.

But now, that didn't matter anymore.

"My mistress, when are we to retrieve them?" Delphine asks.

The Being doesn't look at her, "Once the Children of Day and Night come to me, it is then that you will bring them both here. I do not want a scratch on either of them. If I see even a hint of one, sisters, I will rain hellfire upon you." She warns them.

"What about the creations from Cretea? What is to be done with them?" Frida asks.

The Being scoffs, "Their orders are to demolish the Spring Court. There are far too many of them to fight off. The High Lord will be overwhelmed. Even his little companion will be destroyed alongside him. That place will crumble to the ground." She says.

"The Woman of Winter will put up a good fight. Do you want us to eliminate her before she has the chance to counter?" Callista asks.

The Being shakes her head, "It will be too late by then. When the Cauldron activates, everyone will know. The Children of Day and Night will come to me via my call. And when that happens... Prythian will be under my mercy." She tells them.

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