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It was over before the blade ever made contact.

With one swift movement of his hand, the High Lord of Night's dark shadows wrapped around the women, sending them onto their knees. His violet eyes glowed, his power squeezing tighter around them.

The High Lady summoned one of her many powers of ice, encasing the women in frost. Delphine and Callista no longer struggled, mainly because they couldn't. They were only able to move their heads, their mouths seething with anger. The Being's dark magic seeped through Feyre and Rhysand's, trying to uncover them, but the Night Court leaders didn't falter.

"The Being is not afraid of you, High Lord. She wants your head piked onto a stake and eaten by the crows. She has said that she will delight in the High Lady's tears as she forces her to look at your mauled face as insects eat away at your body. Isn't that wonderful?" Delphine says, grinning.

Feyre sneers, tightening her power, "You dare come into my home and cause this chaos? With one snap of my fingers, you will no longer see your precious mistress. And speaking of her, who the hell is she? What is her fucking plan?" She asks.

Callista laughs, "Oh, High Lady, her plan involves the woman beside you," she gestures to Auriella, "She is coming for her soon. Right now, you are only seeing an example of what her power can do. But as time passes, there will come a day when you find out exactly who she is, and what she is going to do." She says.

"Morrigan!" Rhysand yells, still staring down at the women.

The Third Commander is immediately there. She stands behind Delphine, putting her hands on either side of her head, using her abilities to search for the truth. Her brown eyes glow brighter in the darkness, scanning every part of the female's mind.

Delphine's head thrashes, wanting to do everything to get her out of her mind. Saliva falls from her mouth as if she were a rabid dog.

After a short time, Morrigan backs out. She looks up at Rhysand, "A majority of her mind has been blocked. This dark magic is something that I cannot breakthrough. Although, there is one image that is not hidden. A platform on top of Under the Mountain." She says.

Feyre stares at Callista, "How long has the sisterhood deceived us? Why have you agreed to be a part of something that has no sense of happening?" She asks.

Callista licks her teeth, "We have been under your noses for three years, Feyre Archeron. The Being had us all along and yet, you all were too blinded to even see. It wasn't until it was too late that you realized what was happening. And as for your other question, this was bound to happen at some point in time."

"There cannot be seven rulers in one single continent. There can only be one. Dathomir was right to name himself as ruler, seeing as his power, The Being's power was able to extend beyond our imagination. He would have made the world better, bring control and stability, help the less fortunate, and everyone would have everything they wanted."

"Now look what Prythian has come to. It is divided into seven courts. How pathetic. The High Lords are nothing but children who bicker and argue if the other does something they don't like. At any moment, there could be potential for betrayal or a collapse. But with The Being in control, no one would dare cross her, they will shiver at the mention of her name." She finishes.

Rhysand scoffs, "What is her name, Callista?"

The female grins, shaking her head, "She hides in plain sight. But then again, you all are too blind to see the grim reality in front of you." She says.

Delphine turns to Auriella, "You better get going, Daughter of Dawn. The Spymaster of the Night Court will not last long against The Being's creations." She tells her.

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