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The month had gone by quickly.

Auriella was just as exhausted as Aiko was, spending every morning before the competition training the female with Cassian helping her.

Aiko had improved tremendously, her fighting style becoming more advanced as the days passed. Auriella knew that, even when she nor Cassian weren't present in Windhaven, Aiko spent her nights' training with little to no breaks.

The Illyrian female sparred against Auriella a couple of times, using everything she had learned. They both sparred until their arms could no longer bear to hold the weight of their steel swords. During the last week of training, Aiko had to spar against Cassian, who went easy at first but became more aggressive.

Aiko stood no chance against the General, and she knew that. But Auriella knew that her chances of winning the competition had increased immensely. Byron didn't hold the strength that Cassian did, but Aiko could not let her guard down.

Morrigan and Nesta would observe her from the sidelines, staying silent the entire time, occasionally whispering into each other's ears. Auriella would briefly look at the two of them, wondering what they could be talking about.

But she didn't let curiosity get the best of her, focusing herself back onto Aiko.

When she would leave the Windhaven Camp with Cassian, Azriel was always waiting for her at the front doors of the House of Wind, leaning against the wood.

Cassian would make inappropriate remarks at his brother as he walked into the House. He would glance back at them with a wicked grin plastered on his face. Sometimes, Auriella wondered how Azriel hadn't punched him yet.

Would you like me to? He had asked her through the bond.

Auriella chuckled, That is ultimately your choice, Spymaster.

Azriel would winnow Auriella and Perseus to the forest, immediately going straight into training. Their sessions would consist of using her shadows to find him, trying to build them up from their deteriorating state. Even though she had used them to find him the first time, they were still weak.

Auriella practically mapped out the entire forest as she looked for Azriel. She would hum her father's (Zephyr) song, letting her shadows whisper in her ear, leading her to him. She didn't need to close her eyes, seeing as how her shadows were motivated by her music. They danced around her, feeling slight tugs in the direction of her mate.

Every time she found him, her heart skipped a beat. He was a wave of darkness that engulfed her. She would gladly drown in his very being, wanting to know everything about him. He was like a book, mysteries written on every page.

She wanted to uncover them all.

They hadn't talked about that night since it happened. Neither of them had brought it up, but Auriella could feel the tension in the air. Even when they were inches apart from each other, it was hard to keep her mind appropriate, seeing how attractive he looked in the afternoon light.

She thought about that night in the music room every day. It would replay in her mind, remembering how desiring the moment was, how feral they were for one another - desperate to tear away the clothing that kept them from going any further.

The day after it happened, when she was completely alone in her room, Auriella was driven mad with heat, feeling her core pulse with arousal. She laid on her bed, and closed her eyes, sliding her hand down to the wetness that was pooled there. The memory immediately appeared in her mind and she could feel everything.

She pictured Azriel next to her, watching as she touched herself. She imagined his heated gaze right on those sinful fingers, wanting to lick them clean with his tongue. She could feel his breathing on her skin, the warmness of him was enough for her to let out a moan, drifting closer to the horizon.

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