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For two weeks, Auriella went to train the Illyrian Sisterhood.

She had learned each of their names: Delphine, Callista, Helena, Frida, Eria, Jamil, Adelpha, Aiko, Basilah, Ismene, Talia, and Melba.

Auriella repeated them in her mind until she got each of them right.

She taught the women the basics, using Soulender for her demonstrations. The women used their own steel swords, following Auriella's every move. Some of them were quick learners, while others were struggling with the movements. Then there was Basilah and Delphine, who wielded the sword exceptionally.

Morrigan and Nesta still observed from the sidelines, along with Azriel, who would leave mid training. Auriella pretended like she didn't notice but in reality, her heart sank every time she heard his familiar footsteps head to the door.

She hadn't spoken to him through the bond after she found out that she was training the sisterhood. Once she was back in the House of Wind, she didn't talk to anyone, not even her mate. She closed the shields of the bond, not wanting to hear his voice.

Auriella planned to confront Rhysand and Feyre about the whole ordeal, but she decided against it, not wanting to cause a problem with them. Instead, she went along with it, going back to the camp the next day. She trained with the sisterhood first. Then she would have one-on-one sessions with Morrigan and Nesta, who were both training her.

The Third Commander and the Archeron sister did not go easy on her at all. They would all brawl until one of them was left standing, whether it was using their fists or sword, the three wouldn't stop to prove who was better.

Morrigan was quick, dodging attacks with speed equal, if not faster, than Auriella. She remembered seeing her on the battlefield, fighting her way through Hybern's soldiers with rage and determination. The Third Commander was beautiful but deadly, always ready for a fight.

Nesta was surprisingly flexible, quick to dodge any hits that came from all directions. Auriella was barely able to make a scratch, but as the days passed, she studied her movements, predicting what the Kingslayer was going to do next.

And now, on the day before The Choosing, Nesta and Auriella had their swords at each other's throats, breathing heavily. She remembered being in the same position with Cassian, but with lighthearted eyes. She and the general were able to joke around with one another, but with Nesta, there was no amusement in her eyes.

She stared at Auriella with pure anger in her eyes, as if she was her greatest enemy.

Perseus, who was lying peacefully on the floor, immediately got up. He growled at Nesta, prowling closer to his owner. Nesta didn't even pay the wolf any attention.

The Daughter of Dawn tilted her head, "Have I angered you, Archeron? If there is something you wish to do or say, you may." She says.

Nesta stays silent, breathing heavily, and still keeping her eyes on her opponent. Normally, Auriella would sheath her sword. But this time, it was different. She kept her blade pointed, ready for a real fight if it came to it. Her heart pumped with adrenaline, sweat slowly falling from her skin.

In her peripheral vision, Auriella could see two pairs of wings enter the compound, astonished at the stalemate that was in front of them. She felt the bond shake but didn't look away from the Archeron sister.

Auriella, what's going on? Azriel sent down the bond.

She wanted to speak to him, but it was like she was in a trance, unable to look away from Nesta's hateful stare. Auriella barely knew this woman, and yet the sense of familiarity hung between them. She rummaged through her mind but could find nothing of her.

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