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My head pounded as I woke, feeling as if it was going to burst.

I looked around the room, seeing the broken glass scattered everywhere. Even in my blurry vision, I could see the outlines of the corrupted sisterhood as they came into my home. They said something to one another that I wasn't able to make out.

I could hear the cries of my son echo throughout the room.

I tried to turn around, hoping that I could get to him, that I could bring him into my arms, but my body was racked with pain. I was going to lose consciousness again at any moment.

"Nyx," I breathed.

After a few moments, The Being winnowed into the room.

She walked ever-so-slowly as if she was basking in her temporary victory. I felt my powers rumble through my veins, wanting to be unleashed onto this monster, but I was too weak. I could barely summon a kernel of my power. It was as if she was turning it off on her own.

I knew that I didn't stand a chance against her, especially not now.

My head fell back once more, but I fought. She couldn't win. I can't let her win.

The Being walked past me, taking Nyx into her arms. She didn't say anything as she started to leave the room, my son screaming as he held his arms out for me.

"Retrieve Elain from the Day Court. Remember, she is to be unharmed." The Being says to six of the members of the sisterhood. They obey her command, heading out the windows.

"NO! You can't do this!" I screamed, reaching out my hand. 

The Being stopped, slowly turning herself around.

And once my vision cleared, my body immediately went cold.

There was no hint of the woman that I once knew; that I had spent my entire life knowing.

It was her... all this time.

My sister.


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