Can't say I would blame him if he walks away. Maybe I'm not destined to have my happy ending. There was a reason I always put work first and all this brings all those reason to the surface. Life was easier when Ryder and I were only sleeping together. I didn't have to worry about being in a relationship. Didn't have to think how my actions would effect the other person. 

I shake my thoughts from my head because I have a job to do and I won't another male threaten all I have worked for. Adam did in the past and now Ryder may do the same. Granted not at all in the same way Adam did, but Ryder may force me to have to leave Steel Wolf though he may not mean too. If we can't be civil to each other then me being here won't be fair to the others. Dimitri, Lucan, Tray and Mason don't deserve to be in the middle of Ryder and me. As much as walking away would pain me the band has to come first. 

I file away my thoughts for another day since nothing is decided yet and maybe Ryder and I will be able to working through this road bump. But this will not be the only fight we have how is it fair to the band a voice in my head reminds me. I beat the voice down with a sledge hammer, but my fears are still justified. 

As I stand in the bathroom I make a vow not only to myself, but also the band. If at any point I feel as though mine and Ryder's relationship is adding unnecessary stress to the band or causing issues within the band I will walk away from not only him, but the band. A sharp shooting pain stabs my heart causing me to crumble to the floor in my towel. The thought of leaving them cripples me. They are the first group of people to accept me and make me part of their family. Not only will I be out a job, but I would lose my family. Should have thought of all of this before getting involved with Ryder.

Standing from the floor I quickly rush through the rest of my morning routine fighting to block my anxiety from consuming me. I decide on only applying enough make up to hide behind and pulling my still damp hair into a messy bun at the base of my neck. Not my normal, but today I'm just not feeling it. Plus there is nothing in the contract saying I have to dress a certain way. 

I go back and forth on jeans or a dress, but after checking the weather and seeing how warm the temperature is suppose to rise I decide on a dress. For some reason I can never bring myself to wear shorts when I'm working back stage. The dress is black coming to midthigh, shorter then a normally wear when working, and formfitting with a stretch wrap. The top is sleeveless and has a slight v neck.

I turn back and forth in the mirror taking in my appearance. Not my best, but I'm also not feeling my best. For a second I debate changing my outfit, but a knock at the front of the bus puts an end to my thoughts. I dash to answer the door praying Ryder will be standing on the other side, but my face plummets when I discover Skylar waiting for me.

She runs her eyes over me in concern and says, "and here I thought you would be excited to see me," while joining me on the bus. Only now do I realize she is holding a coffee drink tray and a brown paper bag.

"Please tell me one of those coffee's for me," I ask her reaching for the coffee gleefully and ignoring her response to my appearance.

She goes to hand me the coffee, but at the last second she hold the cup out of my reach. "Not tell you spill." I go to tell her nothing is wrong, but she cuts me off. "Don't even feed me some bullshit line nothing is wrong. If nothing was wrong than Ryder would not be sleeping on my couch right now." She levels me with her teacher stare the one you remember as a student when you were trying to get away with something, but they knew you were lying. 

I slump into the bench surrounding my kitchen table. "Fine," I mutter. Skylar smiles and slides in across from me. She then hands me my coffee. I take a deep breath of the amazing smell and a small drink testing the temperature. "Not much to tell," I explain fiddling with the lid of my cup not wanting to meet her steady gaze. 

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now