"Ready to go Woods?" A bunch of people yell.

"Hell yeah! Lets go home." I yell and hop into the truck and put the key in the ignition. I start it and it roars to life. "Music to my ears."

I turn to Tyler, who is struggling with the seatbelt. He looks up at me, grins then goes back to working with his seatbelt. I sigh and help him get in it correctly.

"It's quite sad really how a grown man can't get a racing seatbelt on." I say with a sigh.

"Shut up. You don't even wear yours half of the time." Tyler snaps.

I hold my hands in surrender. "Sorry, didn't know you were on your period."

He growls at me. I give him a cheeky smirk and clip my seatbelt.

"So, Mexican food?" Jack asks. I meet his eyes in the mirror.

"Nope. A burger sounds good right now." I drive out of the "parking spot" and everyone follows.

"I don't know. Mexican does sound good." Nate says.

"Well who's the one who has to pay?" I ask them.

Jack pats his pockets and hangs his head. "Not me. I lost my wallet."

Nate pats his pockets and pulls out his wallet. "Ah ha!" He opens it and his face falls. "Damn. I don't have money."

"I took it to pay for something when you were gone." I inform him.

"Why!? That was my money!" He whines.

Lucian pats his pockets and pulls out a card. "Nope. I only got my ID."

I look over to Tyler then back to the road. He doesn't even pat his pockets. "My wallet is at home."

"Then burgers it is." I say happily.

"Do you have money, sunshine?" Nate asks.

"Yep!" I chirp.

"Alright, we will have burgers." Jack whines.

"Good." I say with a smirk.


"Ohmagosh! This is soooo good!" Jack says between mouthfuls of food in his mouth. Nate and Tyler are staring at him in disgust.

"Jack, sweetheart, close your mouth when you eat and no talking while there is food in your mouth." I scold him.

"Yes, Alpha." He hangs his head. I grin and ruffle his hair. "My hair!"

Tyler shakes his head and digs into his burger. Nate sets his on the table and wipes his face. "I'm done. He ruined this for me."

I giggle and go back to eating my burger.

"Then can I have it?" Jack goes to grab the burger but Tyler takes it.

"No, I want it."

I break into laughter at Jack's reaction. His eyes are wide and he looks like he just got his favorite thing taken away. Tears almost falling, chin quivering, pouted lips.

"Actually, none of you get it." I grab the burger and get a doggie bag. "I'll give it to dad or Bruce."

Tyler does the same looks as Jack. I 'awwww' and pinch his cheeks. He frown and slaps my hands away. "I am not a child."

I give him a look. "If you act like Jack, you sure as hell aren't an adult." I grab the bag and stand. I shake the keys in their direction. They clean up the table and I head out the door.

I head to my car and freeze midstep when I see what's going on. There are teen boys in it trying to hotwire it.

"Hey!" I yell at them. They look up and grin. One waves and chuckles.

"We lost the keys!" One yells to me. Tyler and Jack stand beside me.

"I'm so glad I dropped your wolves off at the agency." I growl under my breath before handing the bag to Jack. I walk up to the truck and pull one of the boys out by the ear.

"What the hell!?" He yells from the floor.

"This is my truck!" I snap at him. "I own this damn thing so get your stupid little asses out!"

"Oohhhh so the pretty girl knows how to drive this monster? This thing is incredible!" Another one says from the back seat.

"Get out now." I growl out. I feel the authority radiating off of me.

Their eyes widen and they scramble out. Well almost all of them. One scrambles to try and hot wire it.

I grab the top bar and pull myself up to his level. I grab the top of his hair and pull his ear close to my mouth.

"I might be a pretty girl who looks weak but I can still kill you in a blink of an eye. Don't think I won't. So if you don't get out of my truck right now, I will make sure you never see the sun again." I whipser harshly in his ear. I feel him sudder in fear.

I pull him out by his hair and he falls to the floor. I drop beside him and he scrambles backwards.

"Lady, calm down. I was just leaving. I can call the cops on your threat."

"I can tell and show them you were trying to steal my car." I warn him.

He gets up and runs. I hear a bag crumble. I turn to see Jack with a face full of burger.

I point to the backseat. "Get in now. I said you couldn't have that."


"No buts. Now! I want to go home."

"Who pissed in your cheerios?" He grumbles.

"Jack, sweetheart, what did I tell you about the burger earlier?" I ask him in a sweeter tone.

"That I couldn't have it."

"Then why are you eating it?"

"Because you handed it to me."


"Because there was...people...in...your...car..." his voice trails off and he climbs into the truck silently.

"So whats for dessert?" Tyler asks.

I groan and the boys all laugh. "You just ate!"

"We are growing men!" They say in sync.

"That wasn't creepy at all." I mutter and look around. "There is an ice cream shop over there. There is a bakery and-"

"Ice cream!" Jack says running past me. He clipped my shoulder and Tyler rightened me.

"Why thank you." I smile.

"Anything for you, princess." He takes my hand and we follow slowly behind Jack.

"Can you even hot wire your truck?" Nate asks.

"No. It won't let you. I made it that way don't ask how." Jack yells.

He is standing by the door and jumping up and down.

"And I thought you were the kid." Tyler says.

"You haven't seen anything yet." Nate warns him before walking past us and up to Jack.

"I think they forgot I have the money." I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Well, I didn't but I like your company." Tyler kisses the top of my head.

"Well I hope so. I am yours."

"Your mine? I finally got you?" He asks hopefully.

I chuckle. "Maybe."

Hidden Moon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now