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Mikki De'lucca

Clutching your father's ledger, you stride into the Specter offices with your head held high, faking all of your confidence.. Immediately you are spied and greeted by a dimpled grin and a mess of sandy blonde hair as a kind blue-eyed Irishman with handsome features steps out of the hallway to meet you.. "Hiya, Miss? Can I help ya?"

You nod.. "Hi. Yes, my name is Mikki De'lucca and I'd like to speak to one of the agents here.."

"The name's Patrick O'connor, and I'm an Agent 'ere.. You can talk te' me anytime, lovey.." His words are flirtations but his tone is friendly as he beams a cheeky boyish grin that is all but infections..

You smile politely.. "That's a very nice offer, Patrick.. But I'm looking for one Agent in particular, Colt Knox? Do you know him?.. Could you point me towards his office?"

Patrick frowns.. "Ah, sorry to tell ya me' dear.. He's not here.."

You feel your spirit and excitement deflate slightly behind the mask of your smiley expression.. "Oh?.. When will he be back?"

Jamseon showing up at your house had ignited some stupid flicker of hope in your heart..
But maybe Colt doesn't want to see you..

It's not like you could blame him..

Just then, a familiar boisterous call sings out.. "Mikki?! What are you doing here?!" You turn and smile as Oliver approaches, looking heavenly in his fitted black suit.. The scar that he now wears as a broad smile across his face has faded to a subtle silvery pink..

"Oh-- Hey, Ollie.. " You sigh as he wraps you in his arms, smelling of man and money..

He buries his nose in the crook of your neck and mumbles.. "It's so bloody good to see you, Gorgeous.."

Your heart is enveloped in a soft warmth.. "Oh god.. Ollie, It's good to see you too.." You pull back to peer up at him.. Reaching up you run the tip of your finger along his cheek, tracing the scar left there by Vinny's impatient and irrational self..

"You look even more distinguished.. Still so handsome.." You smile, resisting the urge to break down at the sight of him, guilt still heavy in your heart..

He chuckles.. "I look like Frankenstein's monster next to you, Mixxy.." He releases you slowly.. "I tried to call you a few times--"

Your eyes dart to the Irish agent who watches on with interest, a curious gleam in his gaze.. "I know - - um.. I just wasn't ready to deal with it.. With any of it really.. But I am now.. That's why I'm here.. I'm looking for Colt.."

Oliver and Patrick share a nervous glance but it is Ollie who steps up to explain.. "Uhh Mixxy, Knox left Specter months ago.. I was on the outs at the DEA so Paxton offered me a place on his team--"

"What?" You shake your head.. "I don't understand.. You took his job? I thought if I complied, his career would be safe.. I mean, Lemon said--"

Ollie shrugs and rubs his chin.. "Well, nah.. I didn't exactly take it.."

"He's long gone, Lovey.. " Partick chimes..

You look between them.. "Why?! Gone where?!"

"I dunno anythin' for sure, cus I wasn't there.. But I heard he got into it with Harris and El before Iris got back.. She was'nae too happy bout it.." Patrick drops another little nugget of information before turning to walk away.. "I heard he gave his notice and went home to Roan, and that Iris has been trying to get him back ever since.."

You don't understand why Colt would just quit? Hadn't you been protecting his career?

Did Harris force him out of a job after you had agreed to sign his bullsiht reports?!

"Come on, Mixxy.. Let's catch up.." When it's just you and Oliver, he takes you by the arm, leading you to his neat little office.. "So.. Why are you looking for Knox?"

You sigh.. "I have something to give him.." You hold up the leather bound book in your hand..

Oliver's caffeinated gaze widens with intrigue.. "Is that what I think it is?"

You shrug.. "I don't know.. Maybe.. So, I guess you better call him up and get his ass in here.."

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]Where stories live. Discover now