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Oliver Reid

It takes all the energy I have remaining to turn onto my side on the ice-cold concrete, just in time to watch the early morning winter sunrise..

I say sunrise, when in reality I mean the measly sliver of light that peaks through the crack in the boarded up basement window each morning.. The measure by which I have come to count my passing days in captivity..

Laying broken in the dank, darkness, I begin to scratch another line in the tally I've been keeping.. The only sound is the grating of the small, shiny coin as I scrape at the concrete..

The sour scent of rising damp lingers in the cold morning air and the creakof footsteps on the floorboards overhead begins to stir as my captors wake to move about the mansion..

I've been here at the De'lucca compound for over a week.. Twelve fucking days..

The first few of those were spent beneath the fists of Angelo's various henchmen, some of whom I had befriended undercover..

Yeah, those were the beatings that were administered with the most brutality..

They all ask the same questions, again and again, over and over.. They want to know who I am.. Who I work for.. What was I doing with Mikki.. What's do I know about their operations..

I keep telling them the same thing..
That they're making a mistake.

Its both a lie and the truth, so I feel safely justified in doing neither the right thing, nor wrong..

No.. What got me here, to this place wasn't a matter of right or wrong.. Good or bad..

It was something that makes men far stupider than sin, and far weaker than morality..

Something far more dangerous..

Mikki De'lucca..

These idiots are so out of order, fumbling for answers and untrained, all they have managed to do so far is prove to me they are scrambling.. They don't seem to know anything about me, or what Mikki and I had been planning together.. And I refuse to talk.. I'd never turn on my agency and I'll never give Mikki up..

No way..

l'm yet to see the Godfather himself make an appearance during my interrogations, which strikes me as strange, since it's his daughter I was caught trying to turn into an informant...

I can't stop thinking about it.. How did Angelo find out about me? Where did he get his intel?

And why hasn't he tried to put the hard word on me to get his daughter back?

Something isn't right..

Ah, shit.. I had been satisfied enough in my position at the DEA, so I'll agree that It was stupid of me to take a contract moonlighting for the private firm of Specter, but their acting director had been desperate to get to the Godfathers daughter.. And contracts like that, well, they can make or break careers..

I guess we know which it is for me, because if I break much more it'll be to fit in the barrel this bastards dispose of my body in..

Really I should have known better than to want for more, since I never had that kind of luck in the past..

I can't entirely blame Harris for his methodical madness.. After Elijah Pierce went rogue and caused one hell of a scandal, Jake was relegated as a one man clean up team.. Nobody else at the Beaurau wanted to touch the damn thing.. Nobody was risking their career on the De'lucca curse..

Harrison had been appointed to oversee the whole clusterfuck over at the FBI and all eyes in the intelligence community had been on him right from the start.. I imagine he felt the external pressure to find a win.. And what better way to save face than to bring down one of the country's most dangerous crime Lords?

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]Where stories live. Discover now