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Mikki De'lucca

"Mmmm! Everything smells good, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Colt glances at you again, with a scrunched up expression of disgust in the dim light of the truck cab, blue LED lights reflecting off the dashboard..

"You just might, Sugar.. Who knows what they put in that shit!" He laughs nodding towards the fast food bag in your lap..

When Colt had driven by the neon signs of a Big-Burger Joint on the way back to the city, you had insisted he pull over.. It's been a long time since you've eaten junk food, and you had figured if you get caught by Angelo's goons, you're probably going to die anyway.. So to hell with dieting..

"Don't judge me, this might be my last meal.." You jibe, trying to keep afloat the light and pleasant mood in the truck cab, since it's a long drive back to the city and The Cowboy is finally talking to you again.. So far things are going well, even if you have caused him nothing but trouble and impending doom looms ahead of your little road trip, you're trying your best to make the most of your time with him..

Actually, you don't want your time together to end at all..

He clicks his tongue with a wry chuckle.. "That stuff'll kill ya.. So yeah, maybe.."

You giggle.. "You don't drink at parties.. Don't take painkillers when you've been shot.. You won't eat fast food on a cheat day.. You just love to torture yourself.. What's up with that?"

He grins, a sinfully sexy smirk.. "There's other ways I get my kicks, Sweetness.."

You roll your eyes.. "A famous Knox non-answer-answer if I've ever heard one! Well done!" I give a sarcastic clap before calling out a dramatic score.. "Seven out of ten for execution, five points for style and let's say.. Hmm.. A 3 for originality!"

He hums in amusement.. "Always keepin' score, huh? You're real funny.."

You snicker.. "Yeah, and you're full of shit.."

He checks the rear view mirror for the millionth time, almost as if paranoid somebody could be following you, merging into the right lanes before looking over at you with a cheeky smile.. "Hey now hellcat! I thought we was playin' nice.."

You smile sweetly.. "We are.. This is me being nice.."

"Ho-ly hell.." He laughs to himself.. "Alright.. I don't drink 'cause I have a tenancy to do awful dumb shit when I'm drunk.. I do take painkillers, but not when I don't need 'em.. And I don't eat that shit cus it's trash.. Happy?"

You are exceptionally happy to have your way when it comes to The Cowboy and he knows it..

"Trash?!" You gasp in offence before popping a French fry in your mouth, moaning at the crisp, salty crunch.. "Mmmmhh! Ohhh! But it's sooooo gooood!" You make a meal of it, really playing up the sensuality of the flavours..

He licks his lips as he takes a glance at yours.. "Alright, you're selling it hard.. Gimme one.."

"Come on, take a walk on the wild side, Cowboy.." You coo in a dulcet sing-song with a smile, offering up a French-fry..
"Yeah, you know you want it.." You tease in a breathy, sensual tone..

Colt groans.. "Mmmhhmm.. Yeah, Sugar, I want it bad.." Leaning over he chomps the fry from between your fingers while keeping his gaze on the road ahead..

Just before the city, he turns off the freeway at the exit and takes a series of turns.. Before long the truck powers up a steep dirt track that seemingly leads to nowhere, but you're too busy distracted by Colt chewing the French fries you feed him to notice where you're going..

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]Where stories live. Discover now