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Mikki De'lucca

The day passes in a blurry medicated haze, but even though your thoughts race at the speed of a bullet train and your emotions remain flat and detached, one thing has become perfectly clear to you.

No more waiting around for men to do the things you can do for yourself.. The right thing.
No more depending on others to save you, no more hoping there is some knight in shining armour who could take away all your problems..
You have been holding onto the idea that if you could just find a partner, somebody you could trust, somebody you could rely on, like Charlie-- that all your troubles would just disappear..

No.. You've been a totally naive idiot.

Without the clouded judgement of feeling, there is nothing to keep you from fixating on what must be done.. What you now see needs to be done.

"This is all my fault.. My fault.. I started it.. I am the one who can end it.." You mutter to yourself, over and over pacing the living room floor.. "Yes.. I need to end it tonight.. It has to be tonight."

With your mind made up, you return to the bedroom to get dressed, and formulate a plan.

A batshit crazy plan.


Twenty minutes later you find yourself locked in a stalemate at the front door to the safehouse, neither Agent Walker nor Agent O'riley are willing to let you past their overgrown barricading bodies.. Determined to perform the guard-dog duty they were tasked with.. "Mr Walker, please.. You have to let me go.."

The suave, stone faced mercenary doesn't move.. He barely speaks, hardly blinking.. You're beginning to wonder if he is some kind of terminator..

You huff a frustrated breath.. "If you don't, he's going to die. You both know that! We don't have time for this shit, seriously!"

You can practically feel Agent Walker's hostility in his cold tone.. "Mam', If we let you leave, then you'll both die.. The collateral damage is reduced--"

"WHAT ARE YOU, A FUCKING ROBOT?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! COLT ISN'T COLLATERAL FUCKING DAMAGE!" You don't care that you seem like a psychotic bitch, you don't really care about anything except getting to Colt before it's too late.. Ending the madness is all you have left.

Agent Walker steps forward menacingly, threat tainting his gravely timbre.. "I suggest you go back inside, Miss De'lucca."

You hold your chin high, refusing to be intimidated by one of Ellerie's Federal lackeys..

Fuck them!

You're Mikki fucking De'lucca.. Mafia Princess.. Daughter to the Don of Dark Port City.. And even though you'd really rather not go backwards by returning to violence and aggression, you were raised to be tough, ruthless even. The fire inside you is like a second nature, one you're sure you'll never escape..

You don't want to hurt either of these men, but you will.. And you are capable of being every bit as dangerous as rumours say..

You step up to Agent Walker with a jeer.. "I'm not afraid of you, I know Ellerie gave you orders not to hurt me.."

"Then it's a good thing Agent Devereux isn't here." He leans down so that you catch a hint of his spicy ginger cologne.. The man is animalistic and a little frightening.. If you're honest, he is attractive in a bad-boy who'd break your heart kind of way.. A predator of the most deadly variety.. But you'd never let him know it.. You can see already does..

Your eyes flick curiously to O'riley who just shrugs like he doesn't know what the hell is happening..

You take another defiant step forward and to your surprise, Walker takes a small step in retreat.. Immediately you recognise their caution as a sign they are here to follow orders.. "Then do it. Cazzamoscio motherfucker. Hit me." Your challenge smacks the wolfish agent straight in his shocked face..

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]Where stories live. Discover now