Chapter TEN

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Mikki De'lucca

Colt pulls the pickup into the driveway of a downtown, suburban two-story home.. The manicured lawns leading up to the crisp whitewashed stoop are the neatest on the street, and there is a shiny black jeep parked out front..

Reaching for the door handle, Colt fumbles to get it open with his sanguine slick hands..

"Let me.." You jump out of the car, the concrete of the driveway heated against your bare soles, warmed by the morning sun as you race around the back of the truck to yank open the door and the Cowboy tumbles out, sloppily landing on his feet with a pained grunt..

You feel like you could be sick, maybe it's from the sight of all the blood, but you do your best to swallow the nausea.. Ignoring your own discomfort, since you figure whatever is happening to you is only a fraction of the suffering that Colt must be feeling..

"I got it.." He grumbles with frustrated bravado as you hold onto his arm uselessly trying to assist him but he pushes you away..

"You don't got shit.. Let me help you.." You snap..

The Cowboy is at least foot taller than you without your high heels on, but still you dip in beneath his uninjured arm to prop him up..

Begrudgingly, he sighs in concession before he points towards the side gate of the property.. "Through there.."

Colt leans against you wearily as together you make your way through the gate and across the backyard, towards the second smaller dwelling that had been hidden from the view of the street..

"Colt, what is this place? Who lives here?.."

He groans as you help him climb the quaint porch stairs.. Not exactly the place you'd thought you'd be taken to be held captive..

Then again.. Are you even Colt's hostage? Because he hasn't acted like it since the second you managed to escape the gas station..

You have no idea why he took you.. Or what he wants.. But right now, it seems neither does he..

"The only people who could deal with the shitstorm we are about to drop on em.. So try 'n be nice.. Would ya, hellcat?"

You scowl at him and he half winces, half grins as he lifts his hand to knock on the door..

"Be nice? Are you fucking kidding?"

He chuckles, a pained sound.. "Yeah.. That was a joke, Sugar.."


A few seconds later, the door swings open to reveal one of the most stunningly sweet faces you've ever seen..

Wow.. This woman is gorgeous..

Striking grey eyes and messy blonde hair, a dainty little doll stands before you, with a pink cheeked babbling baby propped on her hip.. Her mouth falls open as her pretty features twist in confusion.. "Collie?! My goodness!"

She swiftly steps aside to allow you both inside and Colt lurches forward, like a bull in a China shop he stumbles through her pristine living room, knocking over the vase of peonies set on the coffee table, before flopping on her creamy sofa to stain it in rusty red..

"Aw fuck, sorry, Tiny.. Bleeding all over your fancy shit.. Mikki, meet, Doc.. Doc.. Meet Miss Mikki De'lucca.." He leans his head back, his eyes closing and a deep sigh leaving his lungs as he waves a hand at you in introduction..

"Hi Mikki, I'm Doctor Greyson.. Are you alright?.. Can you tell me what happened?" The petite doctor steps forward in her pink striped socks and pyjamas, taking charge of the room..

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें