Chapter EIGHT

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Mikki De'lucca

Colt says he doesn't work for your father.. And sure you want to believe him.. You almost did.. You even thought you could try.. But if he doesn't believe you what is the point?

If all he sees is Mobster Mikki, The Mafia Princess.. The Murderess.. Then there is little to be gained from trying to change his mind..

He says you have to trust him.. He expects you to..


You never needed him before, you've been on your own since losing Charlie, aside from Rocco, everyone of your relatives turned their back on you.. Your cousins, your aunts, your stepmother.. If your brother Bobbi were still alive, you'd bet he'd have turned on you too by now..

He had been so loyal to your father, and in the end it had been what had gotten him killed.. Targeted by Angelo's enemies..

You aren't about to repeat Bobbi's mistakes, and you definitely aren't about to start depending on anybody else.. No matter how nice it would be, no matter how good it would feel, just to know somebody has your back.. You can't believe in somebody who has no belief in you..

That would only be a mistake..

No.. This is your mess.. And Colt, well.. He is just a beautiful distraction, likely what he was supposed to be all along, whether he knows it or not..

"Cazzo! Oh, I see how it is.. I fucking see.."
Reaching in through the truck window you grab your handbag, slinging it over your shoulder as you grumble beneath your breath..

You feel the woozy whirlwind of your fury as the blood in your veins boils so hot you begin to sweat..

Oh no.. Not this.. Not now..

It's happening again.. The rage.. The rolling red fog that fills your head with hate.. Ever since your husband's death, ever since you moved back home, these bouts of anger have plagued you.. You never used to be this way.. So filled with vitriol.. But you don't know how to stop it.. Still you have to try..

You fumble with a little yellow pillbox, popping two prescription pills into your mouth, swallowing them without water.. The nasty, bitter medicinal taste clings to the back of your throat as you turn to make a move towards the doors of the gas station..

"Now where the fuck are you goin'?!" Colt steps infront of you, shoulders squared and arms folded, his face an unreadable blank slate, instead of soft and smiley as it had been when you'd met..

He is unrecognisable.. And for the first time, he feels like a stranger.. He glares down at you, a huge, solid wall of swelling muscle and bronzed flesh..

This fucking asshole.. He doesn't even know you! Who the hell does he think he is?!

"I'm going to piss, testa di cazzo, you wanna watch?" You hear yourself, being nasty, cold and cruel, and you hate it, but you can't stop..

You can't control your tongue as your teeth clench tightly and you snarl in frustration..

He smirks with a shit-stirring shrug.. "Kinda.."

You roll your eyes exasperated by his persistence, faking left before darting right to step around him.. "Fuck off.. You're fired.."

Your bare tender soles protest in pain as the gravel underfoot cuts into the soft skin of your arches when you set off towards the gas station restroom.. You tip-toe to relieve the hurt, trying to maintain an air of dignity as you walk, though its difficult without any underwear or shoes..

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]Where stories live. Discover now