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Mikki De'lucca

The glow of the headlights bounces off the asphalt ahead, illuminating the highway as Colt drives the pickup truck west, the glittering lights of the city reflected in the rear view mirrors, sinking into the thick darkness of night behind you.. You rest your head tiredly against the cool window, lost in a string of hopeless thoughts and the repetitive thrum of the engine..

Oliver hadn't shown up at the lookout.. According to Colt, nobody had.. Confirming all your worst fears..

"Mikki?.. Sugar?.." Colt's careful tone breaks you from your trance..

"He was supposed to be there.. He said he would be there.." You tuck your cold bare feet up beneath you with a sniffle and a shiver, your fever having broken, now your temperature runs cold as an icy sweat soaks your tattered dress.. "I-If s-something happened to Oliver, i-it's all my f-fault, Cowboy.."

Your teeth chatter, causing Colt to lean forward and flick on the AC, turning it to heat.. The warm blast of air immediately soothing your sore chilly bones..

"Sugar, I'm starting to think none of this is your fault.. And there ain't no cause to go jumping to conclusions.. Could just be he needed to hide out, lose the heat like us.. If the guy is DEA, he knows what he's doing, Mikki.."

The sweet reassuring tone he uses does little to appease the guilt..
In face, it only makes it worse..

You don't deserve his kindness..

How many people have to die because of you?

You shake your head, the stabbing sensation of secrets screaming in the back of your throat which you swallow back down.. You've been here before.. So many times.. This is what happens when you trust, when you care.. It always ends the same.. It feels like losing your brother Bobbi all over again.. It feels like Charlie disappearing forever.. "You don't get it.. You couldn't.."

He casts a startled glance over at you.. Forcing a confident, kind smile when he sees your crestfallen features.. Angels would adore that damn smile.. Its warm like sunshine and sweet like syrup.. You've never seen anything quite like it.. "You said yourself, I'm pretty, but I ain't the brightest.. Explain it to me, Mikki?" He winks..

Guilt hits you hard, like a freight train filled with frustration it burrows a tunnel straight through your chest.. You wipe your eyes, trying to discreetly mask your tears when he reaches across to take your hand, giving it a gentle, encouraging squeeze..
"Please, Sweetness?"

The sensation of his hard worked, calloused hand in yours brings you comfort, and somehow gives you a little strength.. Just enough to admit a fraction of the truth.. "I can't tell you, Colt.. Not you.. I just-- can't.."

You expect him to pull away, instead his thumb traces soothing soft circles over your wrist, calming the skittering pulse beneath.. "Why could you tell him and not me, Mikki?"

You peer over at him, the soft light casting shadows across his chiseled jaw.. He really is something else to look at.. Butterscotch blonde and built like a stallion.. You keep trying to dismiss the knots of desire winding themselves into kinked knots deep in your belly.. But its hard work.. It's been hard work since the second you saw him..

Its undeniable.. The guy is gorgeous.. Like something out of an old western movie.. Roguish and roughly-cut.. And its especially hard to ignore how gentle he is.. How tender.. A surprise contrast to his golden-godlike appearance..

"Because.. I like you too much already, Cowboy.. Any more.. And i'm afraid you'll disappear too.." A weary yawn overcomes you and you curl up against the seat resting your sleepy eyes as you cling to the Cowboy's hand in your lap..

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें